New York

Birth Control Is Now Available Without Prescription in NY State. Others Can Get It Too.

New York Culture
Community Voice
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Starting this Tuesday, March 19th, the state of New York made birth control available without a prescription for everyone who visits a pharmacy and requests it. This order was brought by New York's Governor, Gov. Kathy Hochul, and signed by the state’s Health Commissioner, James McDonald.

The order allows every individual to request a year's supply of not only birth control bills but also vaginal rings or patches, meaning you can choose the method you prefer. Most importantly, any American can visit New York State and obtain birth control without a prescription; it's for all Americans to take advantage of.

The governor said she was happy to sign this order "when women are feeling discouraged and not listened to and powerless" and “especially for people who live in parts of our state where getting an appointment with a doctor could take months.”

I wish that birth control was made free for everyone, too, but sadly, we're not there yet.

New York State NY State Birth control Abortion Medicine

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