
Local School's Success with Singapore Math Highlights Potential Improvement for U.S. Math Education

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Singapore has consistently achieved high scores in mathematics over the past few decades. In the 2022 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests, Singapore scored a mean of 575, significantly above the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average of 472. The United States, on the other hand, scored a below-average mean of 465.

Despite its global influence, the United States has room for improvement in mathematics education, a key area for success in STEM careers. This issue is expected to become more pronounced, especially in states where academic standards are being lowered in the name of 'equity'. For example, the California State Board of Education recently introduced a new math framework that emphasizes cultural relevance for students of color and restricts accelerated learning for high-achieving students.

However, some U.S. schools are adopting different strategies to address this issue. Recognizing the importance of math skills for future STEM jobs, some schools are incorporating Singapore mathematics, or 'Singapore Math', into their curriculums. Wenxi Lee, a Singaporean doctoral student in mathematics education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, suggests in her 2020 book that Singapore Math can be beneficial for American students when properly implemented.

The Orange County Classical Academy (OCCA), a public K-12 charter school in Orange, California, is one example of a school that has successfully implemented the Singapore Math curriculum. Lisa Mote, assistant headmaster of the academy’s lower school, believes that high standards can benefit students of all backgrounds. She suggests that the solution is not to lower standards, but to provide more support for struggling students.

Since its establishment in 2020, OCCA has consistently achieved high scores with the Singapore Math curriculum. In 2021, OCCA outperformed the state average by 47 percentage points in 3rd to 5th grade. In 2022, the school outperformed the state by 38 percentage points for 3rd to 6th grade, and in 2023, by 27 percentage points for 3rd to 7th grade. The decreasing gaps over the years are due to new students adjusting to the Singapore Math curriculum as OCCA added more grades. These consistent results highlight the potential of Singapore Math to enhance mathematics education in the United States.

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