Animation & Comics

SPX 2023: Indie Comics & Diverse Narratives

The Fiction Addiction
Community Voice
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The Small Press Expo (SPX) is scheduled for September 9-10, in Rockville, Maryland. Each year, there's an assortmant of new and old indie comics, and this year's debut comics and graphic novels are being announced. SPX is a destination for independent and alternative comic artists and writers, and their readers. This year’s SPX promises over 110 debut books, graphic novels, and comics, in all different genres and styles. 

Here are just a couple that caught our eye: 

One interesting new book will be Reinhard Kleist's Starman, about the transformation of David Bowie into Ziggy Stardust, and the famous musician's life and creativity. Music fans and comic fans will be interested in Bowie's struggles and Ziggy's wild successes in London's music scene.

Another noteworthy debut is Time Under Tension, by M.S. Harkness . This graphic memoir explores adulthood and independance. This one promises a personal story of growth and self-discovery.

Roaming by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki  takes a lighter tone, but still promises to be touching and personal. This new book will focus on queer romance, over a New York spring break.

In Marry Me a Little, Rob Kirby shares a personal story of marrying his longtime partner, blending laws about same-sex marriage, attitudes towards the queer relationships, and Kirby’s personal attitudes towards marriage. 

These are just a few intriguing upcoming releases to check out at this year’s SPX 2023, there are always so many new creators and new books at this event. 


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The Fiction Addiction
Always reading, usually book blogging.