
Insurance Company AAA Abandoning Florida as Florida's Insurance Company Crisis Deepens

Joe Duncan
Community Voice

The crisis is dire for Florida homeowners as a combination of natural disasters and fraud send home insurers packing.
Florida boy stunned!Photo byJoe Duncan

In what's turning out to be an insurance crisis, insurance companies have been pulling out of Florida in record numbers over the last few years. Many Florida residents get statements saying that their policies will be discontinued without much explanation.

Between May 2022 and July 2022, seven insurance companies pulled out of the state of Florida.

The exodus of home insurance companies from Florida has reached alarming levels, leaving countless policyholders stranded and vulnerable.

Fraud and Disaster

This trend is not new for Floridians who have long grappled with the increasing burden of higher premiums or, worse, the abrupt termination of their coverage. Florida's insurance companies enacted new roof requirements that took effect in July 2022, which allow the company to terminate policies if the roof is over 15 years old.

The situation has escalated to the point where numerous residents are now reporting to news outlets that their insurance providers have either relocated out of state, collapsed under financial strain, or ceased their services until homeowners can afford a new roof. In addition, many companies are fleeing the state because fraud is just so high in Florida.

Florida represents just 9% of the country's population and 76% of its home insurance fraud cases.

This crisis has created a climate of uncertainty and anxiety, with many homeowners struggling to find replacement coverage, leaving them exposed to potential risks and losses.

The persistent departure of home insurance companies from Florida poses a significant challenge for both policymakers and residents. The state's unique vulnerability to natural disasters, particularly hurricanes, has made it a high-risk region for insurers, leading many to withdraw their services or significantly increase premiums to maintain profitability. But the fraud is really what seals the deal.

Insurance companies spend billions per year combatting fraud cases in court.

An estimate from the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud tallied the total cost of insurance fraud at $308.6 billion annually in 2022. For comparison, the YOY revenue for Starbucks was $8.1 billion in the same year.

AAA Abandons Florida

Now, the latest insurance company to abandon Florida is AAA.

In mid-July, AAA's announcement to discontinue some of its insurance coverage in Florida marked yet another blow to the state's beleaguered insurance market. Earlier in the same month, Farmers Insurance had already ceased offering its branded insurance policies in the state, becoming the fourth company to exit entirely within the last year.

The decision to scale back coverage was mainly driven by the incredibly destructive weather that Florida experienced during the 2022 hurricane season. As the planet's climate continues to heat up, weather patterns have become increasingly unstable, resulting in more frequent and severe storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, and dangerous heat waves. For insurance companies, these natural disasters translate to a surge in claims, leading to financial losses when premiums fail to cover the payouts.

While this challenge is faced by insurers across the country, Florida's unique position as a hurricane-prone state amplifies the risks and costs for insurance companies, leading many to reconsider their presence in the region. And, of course, the relentless fraud piled on top of the disasters has left many insurance companies throwing their hands up and declaring it's impossible to make a profit here.

As the list of affected policyholders continues to grow, there is a pressing need for comprehensive solutions to address this insurance void. State authorities must work collaboratively with the insurance industry to devise measures that protect homeowners while ensuring the financial viability of insurance providers. Without timely intervention, Florida residents will continue to be left high and dry, facing the daunting prospect of securing adequate coverage to safeguard their most valuable asset—their homes.

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Joe Duncan
Keeping Florida informed and up-to-date with the latest in a world that's constantly changing. Life isn’t a series of many moments, b...