San Francisco Bay Area

Warm Sunday in Bay Area; Unsettled Weather Looms

Bay Area Newscast

video by @NBCBayArea

The Bay Area is set to enjoy warm and dry conditions this Sunday, with temperatures peaking in the 70s bayside and reaching the 80s and low 90s in the far inland valleys. Cinthia Pimentel of the Microclimate Forecast encourages residents to make the most of the sunny day, as significant changes are anticipated starting Monday and continuing through Tuesday.

San Jose is already experiencing warmer temperatures, with a stunning sunrise this morning and lunchtime temperatures predicted to reach 77 degrees. Highs are expected to hit the 80s today. Along the coastline down to Monterey, early fog is expected to clear up, providing a perfect day for outdoor activities. At the fair happening from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., temperatures near 70 degrees and abundant sunshine are anticipated. Attendees are advised to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated during the warm day.

Across the Peninsula, temperatures will mainly be in the 70s, with 80s in Dublin, 84 in San Jose, and 75 in Scotts Valley. The warmest spots will be in areas like Concord, Fairfield, and Antioch, where temperatures may approach 90 degrees. However, these conditions won't last long, as significant changes are expected in the coming days.

In the Tahoe region, snowmelt is currently underway, with the possibility of convection leading to the development of thunderstorm activity later in the day. Storms are expected to begin by midday, so checking conditions is essential if you're planning to venture into the mountains.

As for the Bay Area, warm and dry conditions will prevail until early Monday, when the arrival of breezy conditions and increasing cloud cover will signal a shift in the weather. Possible thunderstorms are anticipated in the region, with the weather feeling somewhat muggy due to subtropical moisture. Temperatures are expected to drop to the 70s on Monday and further down to the 60s on Tuesday. The development of thunderstorms late Monday night and into Tuesday is not ruled out, particularly in the southern parts of Santa Clara Valley, where small hail may also occur. Keep an eye on NBC Bay Area for updates on the changing weather conditions throughout Monday and Tuesday.

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Bay Area Newscast
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