
Former MPD Lieutenant Retires Before Hearing on Tyre Nichols Death Charges

Carl Belen
When words fail, music speaks.

The news of MPD lieutenant DeWayne Smith's retirement comes one day after he was charged by the department for violating policies about Tyree Nichols' death. Nichols was beaten to death by officers, and Smith was the on-scene supervisor that night. This announcement has sparked outrage among the public, who believe that anyone involved in the brutal killing of Tyree Nichols should be held fully accountable.

According to documents from the MPD, Smith concluded that Nichols' behavior was a result of drugs or alcohol, despite evidence to the contrary. He failed to gather information from his fellow officers on the use of force and did not call for medical personnel, even though he saw injuries to Nichols' face and mouth. The department charged him with neglect of duty for failing to command the scene and making unauthorized public statements to Nichols' family.

During a Memphis city council committee meeting, some counselors expressed concern over Smith being able to retire and still be eligible for his pension. It's troubling that his parents will essentially be paying this officer to go on and live his life, despite his involvement in something that led to the loss of a young man's life.

Former Memphis Police Association attorney Ted Handsome told reporters that someone could take legal action against Smith, but it's unlikely that it would affect his pension. It's going to be difficult to show that whatever he did or didn't do would void 25 years or more of good service. In other words, Smith had earned and invested that pension.

The timing of Smith's retirement is suspicious and raises questions about his motives. Did he retire to avoid punishment for his role in Tyree Nichols' death? Was he trying to escape the consequences of his actions? Only time will tell.

This story is a tragic reminder of the importance of police accountability and transparency. When police officers violate policies and harm members of the community, they must be held accountable. Retirement should not be used as an exit plan for those who engage in misconduct. The public deserves answers, and Tyree Nichols' family deserves justice.

Retirement Police supervisor hearing justice

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Carl Belen
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