
The New Moon in Pisces Forecast February 19th, 2023

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

On February 19th, there will be a New Moon in the sign of Pisces, giving us the urge to connect to our spiritual ideals.

New Moon in PicesPhoto byImage by author

We have the Super New Moon at 1 degree of Pisces on February 19th at 11:05 pm PST; 2:05 AM EST. Check your local time to see when this lunation is happening for you.

Pisces Season kicked off 24 hours ago, and now we have a stellium with the Sun, Moon, and Venus all in the sign of the tethered fish.

The chart rulers are Jupiter and Neptune since the two planets govern Pisces.

Neptune, the Modern ruler, is making a complicated alignment with Mars. With a transit like this, we could feel beyond ready to start something new but need to wait for the right moment because Mars and Neptune in a configuration like this tend to inflate a lack of awareness. Acting on impulse could backfire, so try to ground your energy the best way you can.

However, Neptune will connect with Venus in a way that could help us feel more open to romance. So, this is excellent for experiencing fairytale moments in love life situations. Also, it’s great for attuning yourself spiritually, so taking part in activities surrounding new-age things will go well under this influence.

And with the transits occurring to the luminaries, they’re making complicated connections to Venus and Saturn. We might have to understand the importance of setting limits in romantic relationships that cause us to feel emotionally overwhelmed.

Those most affected by this Moon will be the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces between 0 to 10 degrees of these placements.

Stay tuned for the New Moon in Pisces for your Zodiac sign.

Vibes For The Full Moon

Transits graphPhoto bySirius Software

Regarding the vibes, we only have a small amount this time.

Emotional sensitivity will last until the 20th, causing us to feel our feels more than typical. Due to some of the transits occurring, we might feel more raw than average, resulting in being more susceptible to sensitivity. As a result, we might be easily triggered, and like our moods are fluctuating.

Romance is the highest vibe on the chart overlapping emotional sensitivity while intersecting mental energy. Because this Moon will pronounce our vulnerable side, this could show up in a love life scenario resulting in us putting our feelings out there more than typical.

And mental energy will help get us back on track and have more logical reactions as we move through the rest of the 20th to 21st.

New Moon In Pisces Reflective Questions

New Moons are about starting something fresh under an opening lunar cycle. So, we focus on producing what we wish to improve upon and incorporating the most remarkable characteristics of a specific sign. That way, by the time we get to the Full Moon in said sign, we can reap the harvest of the seeds we planted.

Where do you hope to be in terms of Pisces energy in the upcoming six months?

How would you like to channel this creative energy by August 2023, when we reach the peak of this Piscean cycle?

Here are some Piscean-inspired reflection questions to consider:

The energy of Pisces is about establishing a spiritual connection. In this Sign, we learn to open up, let things flow, and feel inspired to create something magical.

Under this influence, we get the opportunity to wake up dormant mystical abilities. In Pisces, we become open to the things that can’t be seen or quantified, allowing us to gain knowledge from higher realms, tap into our psychic senses, and even understand paranormal information.

We also learn to be more in tune to dream states, are sensitive to other people's feelings, and stop placing boundaries on ourselves. With Pisces, we can learn to develop deeper self-compassion and listen to our intuition.

Introspection is another crucial feature of this energy. Because this sign tends to be reflective, we learn the importance of going inward and deeply contemplating life. We also let our mind drift, allowing us to unlock parts of our imagination that needs to run wild healthily.

Pisces is a sign of the visionary, so it's incredible for visualizing what we want, making it simpler to materialize things for ourselves.

In other words, Pisces is an energy that complements the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction. So, due to its strong belief in the unseen, it’s easier to manifest and bring in the correct energies to yourself.

A New Moon in this Sign is a fantastic opportunity to create a vision board to aid in drawing wealth into your life. So take this time to set intentions for the things you’re hoping to gain.

Pisces New Moon Check List

New Moon in Pisces Chart 2023Photo bySirius Software

Now that we’re here in this ethereal energy, consider other ways to incorporate Pisces magic into your life.

Pisces New Moon Checklist:

Having an opening lunar cycle in Pisces connects us with our mystical side allowing us to be open to higher vibrations.

Use this time to implement compassion for yourself⁠ and those in your life who deserve it.

Have a wonderful New Moon!!!

Astrology Horoscopes Lifestyle New Moon in Pisces Pisces

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Cleopatra Jade
Your Astro Weather Girl! I post news about Weekly Astrology Forecast, New and Full Moons, Astrological happenings, along with Astrono...