
Mercury Enters Aquarius On February 11th, 2023

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

On the 11th, Mercury will enter Aquarius allowing us to find innovative solutions to complex issues.

Mercury in AquariusPhoto byImage by author

“It’s time to examine the alternatives.”

After 2 ½ months, Mercury is finally leaving the sign of the sea goat, which will allow us to shake things up.

As we leave the thinking responsibly and narrowing things down approach of Capricorn, we shift to a more detached and innovative method of cognition.

Mercury in Aquarius allows us to think and speak more unconventionally. Under this influence, we adopt and intellectualize new ways of viewing the universe.

Like Capricorn, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn; before Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the ancient ruler of the Water Bearer. As a result, it is governed by both planets simultaneously. The shift to Mercury in Aquarius will still have a left-brain vibe but with fewer limits.

Under Mercury in Aquarius, our cognitive process takes on an innovative methodology.

Therefore, we are able to find creative alternatives to problems that seemed unmovable. This combination pronounces the urge to experiment with new ideas rather than focusing on keeping things the same and practical. We often examine long-standing issues and come up with a better answer while this sign is in Mercury.

In this combination, we contemplate ways to be responsible, but differently from Mercury in Capricorn. Our focus goes on progression in our lives, helping others get to the next level, and how to move forward in circumstances that have reached a standstill.

With Aquarius energy, we look for novel methods to step beyond our comfort zones and concentrate on advancement from things that have outworn their usefulness. We also become interested in sharpening our minds and figuring out how things operate so we can reap the benefits.

One of the many cool things is we get more of an urge to explore brainy subjects.

Science, technology, engineering, computer programming, mathematics, and astronomy become more enunciated while Mercury is transiting Aquarius. Astrology is also another subject that gains a considerable boost under this influence, so the ability to absorb astrological content is more potent.

In this energy, breakthroughs frequently occur. So, this could be an excellent time to conduct research on complex topics.

A higher-minded method of thinking is accessible, providing us with "eureka" moments. So, if you’ve had a period of mental stagnation, this transit is excellent for propelling you out of a mental rut.

Thinking of the alternatives becomes more accessible through this ingress.

Aquarius is a sign about understanding why doing things the same way all of the time prevents us from making headway in our lives. So, if you’ve gotten to the point where an old methodology is keeping you boxed in, this will be a time to step out of your comfort zone and tackle your situations from different angles. That way, you’re able to see better ways to resolve complexities and finally make the progress you’re craving.

Since Mercury is about discussing the latest things, this could be a period of new developments.

Under Aquarius, we function from a detached viewpoint allowing us to take an objective perspective on life. As a result, we can evaluate circumstances from various perspectives without letting our emotions get involved.

Because we become more open to alternative ways of understanding the world rather than the standard, this unconventional mindset encourages independent thought. We learn to express our individuation and often feel liberated in our thinking under this influence.

Another cool feature is that we care less about what others think and do our own thing.

This could show up in how we intellectualize, our less conventional approach to life, and the choices we make regarding social happenings. Being a little eccentric can be beneficial because it allows for us to bring something unique to the table.

Stimulation-wise, we gain a considerable boost from doing activities that produce mental stamina. We could feel more interested in engaging with games or tools that build new neural pathways. Since Aquarius is about innovative gadgets, this could be when you’re engaging with the latest gizmos and doodads that exhilarate our inner technosapian.

Socially, this can be excellent for simple get-togethers with friends.

When Mercury and Aquarius are coupled, it affects our social interactions and how we choose who we spend time with. We will have a greater desire to talk to our friends, form new relationships, and be more accepting of people from all walks of life.

Due to this Sign ingress link with groups, networking is essential.

We discover the value of belonging to a community and finding others in Aquarius who share the same values. Therefore, if you’ve thought of joining clubs where people who love the same topics mingle, this could be when you finally sign up and make your membership official.

Energetically this Ingress pronounces the need to help people connect through recommendations, matching, and word of mouth.

Matchmaking under this Sign is not typically romantic; instead, it focuses more on bringing people together for platonic unions or community. So, with this alignment, we could be paired with new friends, groups, or business associates.

Mercury in Aquarius also pronounces the need to think responsibly regarding helping others.

Because this is the sign of the humanitarian paired with Mercury, it gets us thinking of ways to make things better for the greater good of others. So, this could be when we’re seeing more individuals rolling up their sleeves to help individuals break out of stagnant situations.

And now for the lower expression of this energy.

Any time a planet changes signs, we get positive and not-so-spectacular attributes.

Even though Aquarius is about connecting with a group of people on the same wavelength while maintaining your unique identity, sometimes that line gets muddled. As a result, we could have moments when peer pressure is more potent than average.

There is a strong need to disconnect from our emotions in order to get things done. Of course, we can’t always be in touch with our feels; however, this can be a slippery slope. Because of this, we could feel more cerebral due to this sign's propensity to intellectualize life, resulting in being overly detached from our emotions.

Our mindset becomes more geared to thinking with our heads and not our hearts which could create issues with our relationships since this is a more logical combination. Also, we need to be mindful of coming off as robotic because others might react to us as if we’re being icy on purpose.

Hopefully, we can parlay this ingress into finding alternative ways to resolve issues in our lives, and it will provide us with the necessary breakthrough.

Either way, Mercury in Aquarius can be a mentally stimulating transit, so let's use this innovative combination to make progress in our lives.

Astrology Aquarius Mercury Enters Aquarius Horoscopes Lifestyle

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