
Two Other Migrant Groups Come to Arizona Seeking Asylum

Tom Handy
Writer, Army Veteran

Russian migrantsPhoto byTwitter

Two other groups of migrants have quietly entered the United States primarily through Mexico but they are not highlighted in the news often. They are considered a minority group seeking asylum.

Most of the Arizona migrant news is on Venezuelan, Cuban, Haitian, or Nicaraguan migrants. Two other groups that are crossing the southern border are Russians and Chinese migrants.

Russians are coming to America primarily over the war when Russia invaded Ukraine. This war started in February 2022. Some also left because of economic sanctions against Russia.

Tatyana Edwards-Behar, a San Diego-based immigration lawyer originally from Russia said:

“Russians are extremely savvy in terms of figuring out the ways to manage the system. They have access to information. And they actively disseminate information.”

Many Russians climbed the rock wall in Yuma Arizona from Mexico.

Some of the migrants were getting help from smugglers helping them cross the southern border.

The Wall Street Journal reported about 12,500 Russians entered the port of entry since October. In the previous year, 5,000 Russians crossed the border.

COVID is forcing the Chinese to come to America

COVID is no longer big news as it was two years ago. But in China the story is different. This is what is forcing the Chinese to leave their country and escape the COVID restrictions.

Since COVID started, China cracked down and placed harsh restrictions on the population. China placed lockdowns on its citizens, restricted travel in the country, mandatory testing, and placed residents in quarantine.

Because of this, it forced some Chinese seek a better life.

You can see a recent story on Chinese migrants coming to Arizona.

Were you aware of Chinese and Russian migrants crossing the Arizona border?

Governor Hobbs migrants Arizona migrants Russian migrants Chinese migrants Russian Ukraine War

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Tom Handy
Sharing information about Texas, politics, and the movers and shakers you need to know.