
Mercury Goes Retrograde On December 29th, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

Mercury will enter retrograde in Capricorn on December 29. This will allow us to examine where we need to set our priorities.

Mercury in CapricornPhoto byImage by author

We’re ending 2022 while simultaneously kicking off 2023 retrograde style!

Mercury will enter its regressive cycle in Capricorn, offering us the opportunity to reconfigure our mindset regarding life’s priorities.

In Astrology, Capricorn is a sign of striving for excellence and authority. It’s about maturity and doing the hard work to become successful. It’s also about buckling down, setting limits, and reducing unnecessary distractions preventing us from thriving.

Therefore, during a Mercury RX in a responsible sign like the sea goat, the circumstances we’ve neglected.

One thing to note about retrogrades, these cycles serve as a way for us to reconfigure situations that aren’t working so we can find a solution to our circumstances. Therefore, they aren’t meant to be worrisome so try to remember that they serve as an opportunity to get back on track.

The Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn between 6 and 26 degrees of these alignments will feel this transit more strongly than other zodiac placements.

Check out the Zodiac Horoscope to better understand how this Retrogrograde will affect your sign placements.

Important Occurrences For Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn

Mercury's inverse period will coincide with Mars's retrograde motion, which could amplify things we need to get real about in our lives. On top of that, this Retrograde Mercury rules Gemini and is the depositor for Mars, so more imbalances might occur as a result.

These celestial bodies have both made aspects to one another and will continue to do so throughout this retrograde cycle, so this inverse phase may feel more pronounced as a result.

With the connections Mercury and Mars are making, there could be more irritability in communication with others, blurting out something ruthlessly, and harsh inner dialogue. Due to the emphasis on being right in a discussion, these links may lead to confrontational exchanges.

Also, this regressive phase for Mercury back in Capricorn will play a significant role because this planet will go over the same zone as Venus did in its Inverse Cycle of December 2021 to January 2022.

Since Mercury is the planet of communication, it might bring up some much-needed discussions from a portion of the Venus RX Cycle, which could help us talk about what got swept under the rug in our relationships or careers.

Venus is back in Capricorn and will make contact with Mercury as it is traversing this section which will further enunciate retrograde themes from the end of last year.

With relationships, this could drudge up issues about a partner’s lack of commitment to the union. Another problem that could arise is realizing a spouse lacks warmth, passion, closeness, and genuine emotional connection.

Regarding financial matters, this could bring up problematic scenarios where people try to control funds. So, this could manifest as a romantic partner, family member, or a boss in a work situation that dangles money over a person’s head. Also, issues with greed and stinginess could come up to be addressed during this retrograde.

Mercury will also connect with Pluto, which is associated with uncovering the truth. In other words, because of the planetary aspects, these celestial bodies are making, it could lead to the beans getting spilled on secretiveness in finances and romantic situations. So, things that were concealed may come to light as a result.

However, Mercury will connect with Uranus and Neptune in a few transits that will aid in channeling our energy on high vibrational activities. So, we do have some more constructive occurrences during this period.

The alignment with Uranus will help us recognize where we have opportunities to solve complicated problems and get out of mental stagnation. With Neptune, this will produce a need to be gentler with ourselves and others but also be about working on our spiritual side.

Uranus will go direct the same week as Mercury leaves its retrograde motion. As a result, once these planets are stationing, we could have a breakthrough on how to upgrade our circumstances. And we might feel a sense of liberation because this energy can feel very freeing after going through a restrictive phase.

Themes For Mercury’s Retrograde Through Capricorn

Mercury Retrograde ChartPhoto bySirius Software

Mercury went into the pre-shadow on December 12th, so think about what kind of Capricorn themes were popping up in your life?!

Capricorn influences how we cope with our pragmatism, resources, authority figures, parents, and other mature individuals. Therefore, these themes will be more potent during this Retrograde phase.

The situations in our lives that we have overlooked will come up for examination under the sign of responsibility, allowing us to address them.

Scenarios that could happen under this Mercury RX:

One of the key lessons in this Mercury RX part in Capricorn will be the importance of critical thinking. So, if anything was forgotten, we might go back and look at the missed information. By using facts rather than conjecture, we can support our suspicions.

Retrograde themes aren’t one-size-fits-all, so it all depends on if you’re being aspected by this regressive cycle of how it’s affecting houses in your natal chart.

Say Mercury is in Retrograde in your 4th house; that section of your chart governs family and your background. Therefore, this could pronounce topics regarding family, personal life issues, heritage, and researching your lineage.

If this inverse cycle occurs on your 6th house, topics around routine tend to come up. So, this could bring up the things we do every day about work, co-workers, health regimens, and making tweaks to our daily routine.

I will have a separate article up about Mercury Retrograde for Zodiac placements which will help add another layer to help you understand how this inverse cycle could affect you.

Mercury will go direct on January 18th, then leave the post-shadow on February 7th, 2023.

Use this period to gain consistency in your life.

Mercury In Capricorn RX

Astrology Horoscopes Capricorn Mercury Retrograde Lifestyle

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