
According to A Study From Harvard, 18% of CEOs have narcissistic personality traits

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Photo bylil artsy/Pexels

Previously, I wrote about a study that showed that twenty percent of CEOs have psychopathic traits and somewhat dispelled the notion that psychopaths are incapable of cooperation (since as Indeed points out, communicating and cooperating with a board of directors and other members of a company is literally one of the main functions of being a CEO, so it would be weird for the literal top job for psychopaths to require cooperation but have the psychopaths getting this position be bad at working with others). Well, there is another study from Standford University that is posted on the website for Harvard Law School.

This particular peer-reviewed study, eighteen percent of CEOs seem to have a high enough level of narcissism that make them be considered narcissistic to the point where you can consider them to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Through an abbreviated NPI test, the people doing the study measured the level of narcissism in their CEOs and looked at any medical data they were allowed to receive for the study to see which ones appeared to have NPD. Here is how those doing the study explained their measurements based on the NPI test it in their own report:

We observed moderate variability around this score. While around half of CEOs are rated 2 or below in terms of narcissism, 18 percent receive a score above 4, 9 percent a score above 5, and 2 percent receive a score above 6. Using a score of 4 as a cutoff for moderate-to-high narcissism, this suggests that upwards of 18 percent of CEOs might be considered narcissists. - Are Narcissistic CEOs All That Bad?

CEO economics psychology neuroscience science

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