A Video Re-introduction to the concept of a nightwatchman state

Local news, liberty, and general info.

Photo byPixabay

Earlier, I talked about the concept of a nightwatchman state: a form of government without a monopoly on violence where a state with the least possible number of powers that are needed to uphold the law. To many, this may seem like a crazy concept, but a lot of Mint Message has pointed out how this form of government has frequently worked throughout history and how plenty of large communities (including certain parts of Great Britain until the start of World War I; the community of over 114,000 libertarians living in the anarcho-mutualist community of FEJUVE that has been around for forty-three years and even successfully fought off a dictatorship; the syndicalist Zapatistas in Mexico; and more).

As a start with Mint Message, I worked with some friends to make a basic top ten video to provide information about nightwatchman states and uploaded it to the Mint Message YouTube channel for anyone to see. It is a basic video with information on the concept that can help people learn about this form of government in an easy-to-digest way while hopefully allowing people to understand how nightwatchman states work practically in real life as well as why people still believe in this form of governance.

As I said, Mint Message is obviously going to still have articles and purely text context that talks about these topics, and there should be more kinds of video content that we add in addition to basic videos like these in the future, but hopefully things like the video below will help to entertain and educate the many people who prefer video and the interactive over text.

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