
The New Moon In Capricorn Forecast December 23rd, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

On December 23, we'll experience the final New Moon of the year, which will teach us how to overcome challenges in order to turn a new page and reach our full potential.

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We have the New Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn on December 23rd, 2022, at 2:16 am PST, which is 5:16 am Eastern. Check your local time to see when this lunation is occurring for you.

And now we end 2022’s New Moon cycles with the Sign of the Seagoat!

Energetically this New Moon is all about doing the hard work necessary to ensure stability. Capricorn is about being able to sustain yourself permanently.

Our focus is on the end game in the Sign of the Seagoat, even if it takes a while. We gain the motivation to push ourselves regardless of it being a long hard road. And I understand that isn’t for everyone; some people aren’t interested in doing things the long way; however, we reap the rewards of this Sign once we do the work.

The chart ruler for this Moon is Saturn since it governs Capricorn and only makes two connections, but they are complicated configurations. Saturn will connect with Uranus and Neptune in a way that could cause us to experience a reality check suddenly.

During this New Moon, there is a Capricorn stellium with 3 or more planets in a sign. In this stellium will be the Sun and Moon, of course, as they are always conjunct during new lunar cycles. Also, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are participating in this configuration.

Even with the harsher connections occurring during this lunar event, the Capricorn stellium will help us push through roadblocks with more stamina than usual. So even if we’re frustrated, there is a glimmer of hope that we can get through even the roughest periods.

The Cardinal modality Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn between 0 and 10 degrees of these signs will experience this lunation more than others.

Vibes of The New Moon in Capricorn

Transits GraphPhoto bySirius Software

Nothing comes easy when it comes to Saturn-Capricorn energy, and the chart's vibes reflect this somber tone.

The energies present are psychic, imagination and confusion, emotional sensitivity, and solitude. Because of the complex transits occurring at the time of this lunar event, we could feel edgier than typical. As a result, we could need to find a quiet space to ground our energy.

With the confusion and emotional sensitivity, try to ensure you aren’t overreacting to something because attempting to decipher where others are coming from might be complicated. And even though that psychic energy might create moments when our intuition seems sharp, wait for things to unfold and try to ground your energy.

Capricorn New Moon Reflective Questions

At fresh lunar cycles, we look at the positive attributes of a sign and consider what qualities we would like to incorporate into our lives. So, think about what Capricorn themes you want to excel in in the next 6 months.

Where do you need to gain patience to persevere and achieve your goals?

Asking yourself these reflective questions can help you narrow down what’s the best path for you to take with your aspirations. That way, by the time we get to the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3rd, 2023, you can take more action to ensure your objectives come to fruition.

This sign is about setting ourselves up for success, delaying action until we are sure it is worthwhile, building something lasting, having limits, and mastering the art of hard work to make something of ourselves one day.

Having strict limits that prevent others from impeding our growth is one of the lessons Capricorn imparts to us.

By doing this, it becomes simpler to identify our place in social interactions, refuse to agree to non-negotiable requests, and become less pliable around solid opinions. The energy of this sign encourages us to steer clear from exhausting our resources and investing in people, places, and things that waste our energy.

Capricorn shows us that we must also set limits with ourselves. So, this could be a period to develop discipline in the areas where our behavior prevents us from preserving by setting personal boundaries.

Prudence is one of the many beneficial traits of the Capricorn. This teaches us to use caution while allocating our time because hastiness can result in drama or being stuck with the responsibility of an error we created by being impatient.

Furthermore, Capricorn is all about going the extra mile to meet your long-term objectives. In this Sign, we develop the endurance to work long hours and accomplish our goals.

This Sign will provide the motivation you need to keep going if you’re working on something you would like to complete by July 2023.

New Moon In Capricorn Themes

Capricorn New Moon ChartPhoto bySirius Software

Capricorn teaches us to go hard for what we want and push through obstacles like a pro. So, if you’re ready to persevere, this checklist should help.

The Capricorn New Moon Checklist:

Use this New Moon to kick start your ambitious side, create a life that brings you stability, and get yourself to a place where you stand in excellence.

Have a wonderful New Moon!!

Astrology Horoscopes New Moon in Capricorn Capricorn Lifestyle

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Cleopatra Jade
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