
The Sun Goes Into Capricorn On December 21st, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

On December 21st, the Sun will transit through Capricorn, emphasizing the impulse to concentrate on what makes us shine in our lives and work as a whole.

Sun Transiting CapricornPhoto byImage by author

Having the stamina to finish most things that individuals lack the commitment to achieve is a superpower!

Welcome to Capricorn Season 2022!

Happy birthday to all Capricorns out there; it's your turn to shine excellently!

Oh, and, Happy Winter Solstice!

We're kicking off a brand-new Season with this Cardinal Earth sign.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, usher in new weather patterns since these signs begin a new season. The axis of Aries and Libra start the equinoxes while the Cancer-Capricorn points kicks off the solstices.

As we leave Sagittarius's risk-taking and enthusiastic tone, we shift to Capricorn's serious and rational method.

Sagittarius has a very different tone, one that is based on faith, being carefree, and taking significant risks. But, as fun as that sort of vibe is, Capricorn reminds us of the importance of buckling down.

Under this sign, we feel more inclined to focus on achievement and strive for recognition. Because the Sun is associated with self-expression and ego, we gain purpose for creating a secure outward appearance.

There’s a stronger urge to buckle down and take our life goals seriously when the Sun is transiting Capricorn. Therefore, we start focusing on our objectives and how we can be more effective in our lives. This energy enunciates the need to make a difference and build something worthwhile. Overall, we become more interested in getting our priorities straight and taking responsible action.

The Capricorn archetype is one of several types of people that are necessary to keep the world operating well. If we don’t hold ourselves accountable and take care of our responsibilities, things will fall by the wayside. By committing ourselves to follow through, paying bills, ensuring our loved ones are secure, and studying to get through school, we can gain better results and stability in our lives.

Under this energy, we get an ego boost from being able to pay for the things in life that create outward security, such as a car and home, along with nice clothes to complete the right image. This is why Capricorn energy is often associated with money and status. It’s not to say that we’ll all become status hungry, but we might consider working hard to ensure we have stability for practical things.

Even though all the hard work sounds materialistic, we feel motivated to obtain our wants through resources and material possessions than through emotions.

We succeed by being persistent and taking ownership of our actions.

Therefore, this is an excellent time to put in the hard work, especially if we have huge goals to which we want to commit ourselves and a realistic outlook. With energy like this, we feel more invigorated to surmount any challenging tasks and achieve victory.

Capricorn is about how we use our time prudently.

In Capricorn, we commit to mastery, which requires time and patience to advance, develop new skills, leave a lasting legacy, and create the right image. Sustainability feels more critical than typical under this energy, so we narrow our focus on what brings us the sustenance we need.

The ability to step up and conduct ourselves properly becomes more enunciated in this energy. With this sign change, we can feel like we need to straighten up or learn to be mature and behave in a way that demonstrates our integrity. This is about developing adult behavior and accepting ownership of your actions, which are crucial in life and something we should all strive to do.

During the Capricorn Season, we tend to be naturally cautious.

We tend to be careful because Capricorn is a commitment-oriented sign, so when a final decision is made or taking a relationship to the next level with someone, as I indicated when Mercury and Venus entered this Sign, we must be sure that it is correct.

Nobody wants to find themselves in a bind due to poor judgment. Because they seek the best result, Capricorns spend time evaluating the risk and potential rewards. Since there is a slippery slope to being overly careful, that is actually the ideal course of action if it is in balance.

Okay, now that I've cleared up most of the serious stuff, let me tell you something unique about Capricorn: after all your hard work, you get to relax!

After putting in the necessary effort to achieve a goal, you reap the benefits since hard work does pay off in this energy. You get to enjoy yourself, go on vacation, reap the rewards of your labor, and go to the club.

Humor with this Sign is another way to blow off steam. Comedy is necessary when you’ve been overly serious. Because it's imperative to face life's problems with a significant dose of humor, this will help us avoid being pessimistic. This will enable us to see things for what they truly are and make light of them because humor takes the edge off and is a fun way to get through challenges.

Socially, we will crave quality over quantity in our interactions with others. So, when you’re in the mood to be social, it will be more about relationships that offer more than just mindless chatter. In Capricorn, we seek meaningful experiences and want to spend our time with loyal individuals rather than just party-time friends.

We could seek out entertainment through competitive games and strategy. Especially having the ability to play one-on-one with others in any type of challenging game that allows us to be victorious.

And, of course, there is a lower expression of this energy.

Due to this sign's aloofness, the tone can end up being icier than anticipated. Within this energy, people can come out as merciless and cold with no empathy at all, as well as too cautious. Try to be mindful of coming off indifferent because this transit can pronounce those types of moods.

Moods frequently fluctuate in waves under this sign since gloominess prevails here. With Capricorn, we can go from indifferent to melancholy due to these sign’s. Moodiness comes in waves, much like Capricorn's opposite Sign, Cancer, but this is more like a cynical attitude than emotional swings.

As was said a few lines ago, this Sign is cautious, but it might be so careful that it causes you to become trapped. This problem is the inability to make decisions, which leads to inaction and prevents one from taking control of a situation. Try to choose choices you are at ease with, then take baby steps through the ones you are afraid of to get things done.

But use this energy in a balanced way so you can get through the demanding tasks and achieve healthily mastery in your life.

If you experience some lower vibrations, be gentle with yourself and find ways to bring humor to your day. Also, try to ensure you’re creating room for downtime in your life.

Astrology Horoscopes Capricorn Season Capricorn Lifestyle

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Cleopatra Jade
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