Despite What the Media Would Have You Believe, This Election Has Been a Red Wave | Opinion

The Georgia Chronicle
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And it's not over yet.

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Ever since election day, most mainstream media agencies have focused their reporting on how disappointing these mid-term election results have turned out for Republicans. While it's true anyone and everyone in politics would love to have 'won more,' there can be no denying the accomplishments of the GOP in this election cycle - unless, of course, the best you can do for your agenda is to focus on the modest number of GOP setbacks. Setbacks which, in truth, have not been anywhere near as demoralizing to Republicans as the left, and their media allies, would have you believe.

In reality, despite trying to inject as much tension and suspense as possible into the last remaining uncalled races, it is a foregone conclusion that, once the dust finally settles, the GOP will have taken control of The House of Representatives.

Would it have been great for them to do it with a 30 or 40-seat majority? Sure, they would have liked that, but the truth remains, whether the final tally of red seats is 218 or 245, the former is all that is required to force Nancy Pelosi to hand over the gavel to House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, come January, and from their perspective, this is not only the largest and most crushing defeat the left will suffer through during this mid-term election cycle, it is also the most demoralizing.

Make no mistake, if this were the only accomplishment the GOP could claim in this race, it alone would be a resounding victory over the Biden Administration's partisan agenda and unhampered spending spree. It alone would constitute a massive win for the right.

But the triumphs of the red team don't end there. While there have been some unexpected battles that ended up favoring the left, it would be a hard argument for anyone to make that the Republican party didn't ultimately win this war.

Notwithstanding the fact that there is still a very real possibility that, come December 6th, the GOP will also win control of the Senate, combine the takeover of the House with the undeniable truths of the landslide Republican victories across Florida, New York, Texas, and several other states, and these victories only cement the accomplishments of today's GOP during this election cycle.

Would they have liked to defeat Kathy Hochul for the governorship of New York? Sure. But, perhaps even better, Republican Mike Lawler managed to defeat and unseat incumbent Sean Patrick Maloney, who was also the reigning DCCC, by winning the House seat for New York's 17th District and sending the Democrat responsible for funding the campaigns for every other House Democrat to the proverbial unemployment line.

Further, while many news outlets have been screaming that the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade back in June was a key factor in the lower-than-expected Republican gains throughout these midterms, we would remind our readers that, without exception, every Governor who moved on the reversal of Roe to enact sweeping anti-abortion legislation in their respective states - states like Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and Alabama - unanimously won re-election, and each did so by extremely wide margins.

Of course, we could break down many of the other key races that amount to massive wins for the GOP, but the point of this article is to demonstrate that the gains that were achieved by the right, while not as utterly devastating to the Democrats as they might have liked, were still far from fleeting.

What's more, should the remaining Senate races ultimately tip to the right, granting the GOP control of both Chambers of Congress for at least the next two years, it would be hard to describe the results of these elections as anything but a full-fledged red tsunami, as opposed to a more modest red wave, where the Republicans only take control of the lower chamber and have to be satisfied with their substantial wins elsewhere across the country.

Be that as it may, with control of the House, the chamber that initiates most Congressional investigations and all impeachment proceedings, we can be sure there will be some significant saber-rattling in Washington come January, when the 118th Congress sits for the first time. Rattling that would have been impossible without a significant red wave.

Veracity Editor's Note:

This unbiased, non-satirical, fully attributed article was thoroughly researched by our team of fact-checkers and found to be accurate. The sources relied upon for the factual basis of this article were: Real Clear Politics, CNN, The Associated Press, Reuters, and veracityreport.org.

More information on this and all our stories are available on our network website veracityreport.org.

This article was compiled and written by Chief Political Correspondent Kurt Dillon – Because the Truth Matters!

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Mid Term Election Results Control of the House Control of the Senate Defeating the DCCC Florida is Red

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The Georgia Chronicle
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