
Venus Goes Into Sagittarius On November 15th, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

Venus enters Sagittarius, providing us the motivation and optimism we require to pursue opportunities that will advance our love and work.

Venus in SagittariusPhoto byimage by author

“If you want to be successful in love, sometimes you just have to put yourself out there!”

As we leave the take things seriously and be cautious methodology in love with Venus in Scorpio, we transition to a more carefree and risk-taking approach.

For the past three weeks, this planet has been in the sign of Scorpio, which forces us to examine the uncomfortable aspects of love and money. But now we’re moving on to Venus in Sagittarius, which will help us let our hair down in love life situations.

Astrologically speaking, this cheerful, daring, and fun-loving addition to the planetary vibrations is appreciated.

Venus in Sagittarius is incredible for our love lives and professional endeavors since it encourages us to see all the possibilities and seize the day. Our outlooks will be more upbeat, and we will be more likely to believe that things can work out regarding our finances and relationships.

Therefore, this will be a period to expand our horizons in their areas, so we’re getting the most out of life and having some fun while we’re at it!!

With the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon happening in this sign, it further enhances the Sagittarius expression.

Romance-wise, this will undoubtedly lead us to look for several romantic prospects; that much is certain.

If you're single and looking to have a more adventurous love life, this ingress has you covered.

The wonderful thing about this Sign Ingress is that it gives us the confidence to be open to opportunities for love and diverse kinds of individuals. In other words, if you've felt constrained in your dating life, this kind of Sign adjustment could help you loosen up. Hence, this might be when you have the urge to take down any walls you’ve put up in your romantic life and be more open to hanging out with a POI “Person of interest.”

Venus transiting Sagittarius naturally makes us want to take a more free-spirited tone regarding love. In other words, for those who are single, this could be a time when you’re not only more open to dating, but also you’re not willing to settle. This could be a period of fully leaning into your single status and dating around until you find someone whose philosophies match yours.

This may make things more exciting than usual for people in committed relationships. This brings out the adventurous side of love, enabling you and your spouse to try new activities, visit a restaurant with a unique or cultural menu, or even organize a romantic holiday.

You and your partner could romantically consider ways to deepen your connection. To put it another way, this could be a period where you two are developing as a pair, becoming more assertive, or moving forward just because it feels right.

One of the best aspects of this Ingress is the abundance of giving, which may take the shape of presents or sincere emotional exchanges. This is also fantastic for dramatically increasing the level of passion in your relationship.

But whether you’re in a relationship or single, this combination pronounces excessive affection. Because of the intensely flirtatious vibe, it could feel like others are laying it on thick.

During this transit in love, unconventionality also comes to the surface. Venus in Sagittarius is best understood as free love and hugs. I'm not claiming that will occur or that if this appears in your personal birth chart, you are that way, but this adds a sense of freedom to the air when it comes to love.

So, if you want to avoid being dedicated, your main goal for this Ingress is to have fun and not make any commitments.

Venus in Sagittarius ChartPhoto bySirius Software

Socially, this will get us in the mood to be around the crowd again. In this energy, we could take on a more celebratory vibe, so the need to throw a shindig or be in places where others are in a partying mood will be essential.

When this vibe is present, we will enjoy engaging in lighthearted conversations regarding humor, worldly subjects, and philosophy. Thus, this will be when you're looking for interactions that entertain and stimulate your mind. Plus, we are more open to learning about various viewpoints on life.

Regarding your career, this is fantastic for getting you back to a place where you feel at ease submitting an application or resume. This Transit provides you a sense of urgency to increase your career possibilities and ignites a fire under you.

Given that expansive Jupiter rules Sagittarius, this may be when you’re looking for more take-home pay. Having multiple sources of income is essential, and this will give the impulse to aim your arrow at side hustles.

Another great thing about this ingress is it helps enunciate the urge to take risks, so it's time to make a move in your professional life. In other words, if there was a job you felt underqualified for now could be when you decided to submit your application.

In this energy, we shoot our shot because it’s worth the risk; the worst they can say is no. Venus in Sagittarius helps us realize we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

And in terms of money, you can feel like things are going well or get a response from a business that you didn't believe would consider you for a job with a decent salary.

Of course, there is a lower vibration as there is any time a planet transits a new sign.

As stated throughout this article, Venus in Sagittarius encourages us to take risks, which isn't necessarily harmful as long as it's balanced. However, this can enunciate our irresponsible side regarding love, money, and other people's expectations.

In this Venus, we sometimes take unnecessary risks, especially when dating and spending money, so try to be mindful of the need to go overboard in these areas.

The grass seems greener on the other side way of thinking can be problematic in this combination. So, there’s more of a chance to meet non-committal types, or if you’re in an unhealthy relationship, this could inflate those qualities. It also fosters a sense of entitlement in a person’s dating life resulting in believing everyone owes them the most extraordinary experiences love-life-wise.

We need to be aware of being overly opinionated with loved ones. In other words, this is the kind of energy that can become sanctimonious, especially in close unions.

The fear of missing out becomes a massive problem in this energy, so we could jump on every opportunity, invite, or other things we don’t have time for due to this problem. As a result, you could overbook your schedule leading to burnout.

Additionally, there can be a lack of caution regarding food and drink because Venus in Sagittarius creates a festive atmosphere that encourages us to overindulge.

Try to be careful of overspending because the lower vibration of this energy enunciates the need to throw money around like it’s never-ending. When it comes to your job, you also want to strike a healthy balance between overworking versus resting on your laurels.

Also, we must be aware of job-hopping because we believe something is better than the current place of employment. As a result, we could take an unnecessary risk because the grass is greener on the other side way of thinking that comes with this planet sign combination.

Even though this is great for taking chances, we still want to stay as grounded as possible. Utilize the Venus in Sagittarius period to take some risks you ordinarily wouldn't but in a balanced manner.

But either way, this is a fun energy that will get us feeling social and exploring what the world offers.

Astrology Horoscopes Lifestyle Venus enters Sagittarius Sagittarius

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