
The New Moon In Virgo Forecast August 27th, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

The summer's final New Moon occurs in Virgo on August 27. Here's how it can get us started on a path to self-improvement that results in a better quality of life.
Virgo New Moonimage by author

Hey guys, we have the New Moon at 4 degrees of Virgo on August 27th at 1:16 am PST, which would be 4:16 am EST. Check your local time to see when this lunation occurs in your area.

We’re at the last New Moon of the summer season.

But even though this is the final lunation for the summer of 2022, we can begin something productive.

The luminaries are in Conjunction, as they are during New Moon events. During these lunations, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, which obscures its light.

In terms of planetary energy, this one is rougher than the Virgo New Moon we had back in 2021.

Due to the Aspects made by the Sun and Moon during this celestial event, our emotions might fluctuate.

Regarding the alignments, to the luminaries, the Sun and Moon will connect with Mars, Jupiter, plus Saturn. We could feel emotionally off-kilter with these kinds of Aspects. Therefore, we might feel self-assured one moment and then filled with self-doubt later. With this mixture, try to balance between confidence and being hard on yourself because this is a contrasting mix of energies.

Mercury is the Chart Ruler for this lunation because it’s the natural placement of Virgo, making it the depositor for the Sun and Moon.

But something else is occurring with this planet at the time of this New Moon.

Mercury happens to be in its Pre-Shadow Retrograde Phase. As a result, we could feel unclear about where to start in terms of creating a fresh chapter in our lives. But this isn’t to say we can’t use this New Moon to begin something; it just means we could feel foggy about our direction.

Also, Mercury is receiving a variety of Aspects that could cause discomfort with our communication and thoughts.

Transit-wise, Mercury is making complicated connections with Venus, the Lunar Nodes, Uranus, and Neptune. With these planets Aspecting one another in a complex manner, there could be moments of tension with others due to misleading and unpredictable behavior.

Because of these alignments, we could look at where changes are needed with our relationships and finances. This New Moon could be the period of working on getting more realistic about our love lives and money, so we aren't continuing the same erratic, self-sabotaging, and deceitful patterns.

Luckily, Mercury will at least make two harmonious connections during this lunation to Mars and Pluto.

Mars and Pluto are generally more complex, but these celestial bodies offer some relief for a change this time.

Energetically, we could feel motivated to execute ideas on the back burner that we now have the stamina to go after, especially with this Mars influence. Even though this is an out of Sign Aspect along with a Waning Trine to Pluto, it helps us clear our minds and focuses on what needs to be transformed in our lives.

Signs that will experience this New Moon more than others will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, between 00 to 8 degrees of these placements.

The New Moon In Virgo Vibes
Transits Graphimage by author

Over the next few days, the vibes we’ll experience will feel triggery.

Ambitious vibes peak on the 27th but then decline by the 29th. We could start this New Moon feeling energetic, then need some downtime.

Intersecting ambition is emotional sensitivity and solitude. With the solitude at its peak on the 28th, we could begin to feel demotivated and need time to recharge. Because emotional sensitivity is mixed in with this while motivation is going down, this could be a day of feeling more triggered than usual.

Emotional sensitivity is mixed in with a smidge of social, romance, and ambitious energy on the 27th. This could make for a day that causes us to feel all over the place mood-wise.

Virgo New Moon Reflective Questions

New Moons are about creating something fresh that we want to see flourish over the next 6 months. These celestial events are about planting a seed and reaping the harvest as your goals reach full maturity.

And since this Moon is at the Start of Virgo, this is the perfect moment to embody this Signs energy fully.

So, think about what you would like to bring into your life involving this Zodiac Sign.

How would you like to Incorporate Virgoan themes by the time we get to the Full Moon in this Sign by March 7th, 2023?

Here are some questions to consider:

What would you like to enhance in your life?

Have you realized you need a better regimen than the one you’re on currently?

Ready to replace self-sabotaging with better coping skills and habits?

Are you looking to become more polished in your appearance?

Is this a point in your life where you want to learn the art of being refined?

Are you realizing it’s time to work on personal growth goals?

Do you want to become more mindful and conscious of your behavior?

Understanding that you need to become more decerning?

Want to learn to be more skeptical, so you aren’t as malleable to others' tactics?

Looking to set boundaries to filter out the individuals who aren’t healthy for you?

Are you ready to become more disciplined, stay on track, and hold yourself accountable?

At a point where you want to teach yourself to say no to people more instead of being overly agreeable?

Ready to become more detail-oriented so you don’t miss important information?

Looking to be more of service to others in your life?

Understanding that being wasteful has led to feeling empty?

Wanting to be purposeful with your time and energy?

Ready to become more precise and cut through the unorganized situations in your life?

Researching ways to incorporate self-improvement?

Are you prepared to gain knowledge from someone who can keep you accountable?

Looking for an apprenticeship so you can learn from someone who’s perfected a specific subject?

Wanting to get out of the haze you’ve been in so you can be more intentional?

Letting go of unrealistic goals in favor of obtainable ones?

Do you want to become more patient and less impulsive?

Ready to put in the hard work and long hours to enhance whatever you’re trying to obtain?

Are you looking to build your skills to become an expert in a topic or your niche?

Working on being confident in your abilities to show the world why you’re specialized?

The methodology of Virgo encourages us to strive to have an effective and spotless life.

With this Sign, we feel encouraged to be better versions of ourselves and give back to those who can use a helping hand. This kind of energy shows us the importance of not taking up space.

Energy like this motivates us to tidy up the clutter creating chaos in our lives.

Virgo shows us why disorderliness, wastefulness, indulgences, only thinking of ourselves, and not taking pride in our appearance are holding us back from success. An influence like this helps us get back on track to become more purposeful over time.

Thanks to this lunation, we can use our potential to apply ourselves and integrate the skills we learn from Virgo. Adopting Virgo’s positive attributes allows us to create a meaningful life.

New Moon in Virgo Checklist
Virgo New Moon ChartSirius Software

If you’re ready for a self-improvement extravaganza, Virgo is an incredible Sign to utilize!

Here’s how to incorporate Virgo themes:

Sometimes we must shift through the superfluous BS in our life to achieve polished results.

Let’s use this Virgo New Moon to purge out the unmanageable things and then focus on what’s essential in our lives.

-Later, guys!

Astrology Horoscope New Moon in Virgo Virgo Lifestyle

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Cleopatra Jade
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