
The Sun Goes Into Virgo On August 22, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

Virgo Season starts on August 22nd and may provide us with the clarity we need to make sure we polish the unpolished portions of our lives.

Sun in VirgoImage by Author

If it doesn't pass the white glove test, it's not clean.

Welcome to Virgo Season 2022

And Happy birthday Virgos; it's your time to sparkle like a polished gem.

As we leave Leo's bold, expressive party vibes, we're changing the tone to a more practical and down-to-Earth methodology.

Currently, the ruler of Virgo, Mercury, is in its natural pairing and is the depositor for the Sun in this Sign. However, there could be some complexities around August 24th because Mercury will enter its Pre-Shadow Retrograde while the Sun is in Virgo.

What this means is Virgo Season 2022 could have more glitches than typical with themes associated with This Sign. Therefore, we have about two days in this Season before things get hazy, so try to be mindful and pay attention to the details.

Even with the Ruler of Virgo going into Pre-Retro Shadow, it doesn’t mean we won’t be able to maximize the benefits of this Sign, so let’s try to push through this inconvenience.

Now, back to the Transiting Sun in Virgo!

A Sign like Virgo influences a need to roll up our sleeves, clean up what's unsightly, and place some of our focus on others instead of being self-absorbed. Our ego gains a boost from being useful under this influence, so enhancing things, situations, and even the people around us will aid in a confidence increase.

Virgo is a Sign of self-improvement rather than self-aggrandizement, so when we are helping others, ourselves, and making the most of our time, we feel fulfilled.

This is when we strive to be the best versions of ourselves through making specific tweaks to something within our regimen that are causing problems, triggering disruption, and producing imbalances.

During these times, we become more conscious of our routine and health. In other words, this could be a time when you realize you could benefit from a healthier regimen.

Virgo comes after Cancer and Leo; during those times, we indulge in summer festivities which could result in not-so-healthy choices. From the comfort food of Cancer Season to the noshing on extravagant eats of Leo's 4-week stint in the Sun, we could have gone overboard with the summer antics and not to mention boozing.

By the time we get to Virgo, there could be a realization that it's time to clear our systems out. The transition into a Sign of self-improvement inflates our need to clean things up, including our diet. And if that's you, Virgo has you covered because this is one of the best signs to start something in terms of a routine and a diet or fitness regimen.

Diet does not have to be about losing weight.

A diet is what we eat and our lifestyle. This could be about introducing better foods, a little less grease, and reducing alcohol consumption.

Sure, summer is almost over in the Northern Hemisphere, so if body goals are part of your plan, this could be about getting a fitter Fall appearance rather than focusing on a summer body. But Virgo's influence is one of the best times to synthesize your diet and get everything down to a science.

But if your focus goes elsewhere, the Virgo Full Moons are also significant periods to work on lifestyle goals, so around March of 2023, we have another window of Virgo energy to utilize.

Continuing with improvement in this period could be about tweaking things in your home, getting more organized for work, or polishing your appearance. We could have the urge to be spotless overall in how we present ourselves because Virgo’s influence shows us how to appear more pristine.

If there's been anything you've lost sight of for a while, this Ingress is excellent for getting back on track. Let's face it; sometimes, we go off the rails and must recalibrate. So, lucky for us, Virgo helps attune ourselves and reorganize jumbled messes.

Mindset-wise, this is a Sign that's excellent at focusing on small details. So, if there is anything complicated to take care of, this energy will help you power through hard-to-finish tasks. At this time, you could experience a better eye for detail and notice things more quickly than usual.

One of the other great things about this is that our minds can absorb information fast and retain what’s valuable. Because Virgo has to do with mental skills, this energy is excellent for learning topics and understanding minutia. With this kind of influence, nothing gets past our eye, and we can retain what we learned due to Virgo’s strength for focus and staying power.

Of course, a lower expression comes with any planet Transiting a Sign.

Even though Virgo is about making things ideal, this is where we can run into a majority of the problems that come with the shadow side of this Ingress.

Try to avoid succumbing to the demands of precision.

An urge to over-improve something that’s already in excellent condition could add to unnecessary stress. An Ingress like this could pronounce the need to be flawless, so try your best to take a step back if perfectionism is becoming unhealthy.

Certainty about ourselves could be an issue. The Sun has to do with our ego and expressing ourselves confidently. However, mixed in with the lower expression of this Sign results in fluctuations in confidence and self-expression.

Disorganization could throw us off, or if our routine isn’t quite right, we could feel overly stressed about things not going as planned. Also, try to be aware of becoming overly obsessed with leading a healthy lifestyle.

Analysis paralysis is an issue with this energy as well.

We could feel anxious when we aren’t getting something right or coming off like an expert. As a result, we get stuck, which leads to an inability to make a decision or take action. Also, be aware of going over things with a fine-tooth comb because this leads us down an analytical rabbit hole that takes our focus off important matters.

Because this is a Mercury-ruled Sign categorizing and sorting data could be problematic in all of our relationships; being robotic could result in an emotionless tone or nitpicking if something looks unappealing. So, try to be mindful of coming off cold and over-critiquing loved ones.

But, hey, the lower expression is something we must work through when a planet is in any Sign, so do your best to stay on top of problematic situations.

And let’s use this Virgo Season to clean up the unsightly areas of our life healthily.

-Later guys

Virgo The Sun Enters Virgo Astrology Horoscope Lifestyle

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Cleopatra Jade
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