
Her Fiancé Really Wants To Serve Lasagna And Chicken Wings At Their Wedding But She's Not Thrilled About It

Chip Chick

A 28-year-old woman will be tying the knot with her 27-year-old fiancé in 2023, and now that the wedding plans are in full swing, she's not finding it easy.

As she pointed out, weddings entail a ton of minutiae, and it's understandably taxing trying to put together a day of your life that's fun for you, your significant other, and all your loved ones.

For the majority of the planning, her fiancé has been happy to take a back seat. Any time she has wanted his input, he has just deferred to her, insisting that it's not really something that concerns him.

She really did want him to weigh in, but he hasn't, which has made her feel like she's doing everything all on her own.

So, she's been chipping away at it all, and her wedding plans are pretty much complete.

"The last big piece is hiring a caterer and choosing the menu," she explained. "Fiancé has decided he wants wings and lasagna because they’re his favorite foods and it would make his wedding day more enjoyable."

"I want him to enjoy the day too…but I am going to be wearing a very expensive, very white dress and while I’m not a messy eater, I’d rather not risk it."

"Dropping a wing on my lap and having to take pictures in a stained dress would be a surefire way to spoil the day."

She suggested to her fiancé that instead of serving their wedding guests chicken wings and lasagna, he was able to eat that as a special kind of lunch with all of the guys in his wedding party prior to the ceremony starting.
shchus - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

If her fiancé agreed to that, he wouldn't be rushed to get lunch with the guys and then get ready for their wedding, but he didn't like that option at all.

This is the one thing about their wedding that her fiancé truly cares about and is not willing to compromise on.

"I’ve made every other decision about the wedding, so he should get to choose the meal," she said.

"I guess I did want his input, but it seems unfair that he “saved” all of that up just to dig in his heels on this one thing."

She's left wondering if it's wrong of her to not want chicken wings and lasagna on their menu when clearly her fiancé has his heart set on it. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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