
The New Moon In Cancer Forecast June 28th, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

The first New Moon in the summer happens in Cancer; here’s how it can help us understand the importance of emotional security.

New Moon In Cancerimage by author

Hey guys, we have the New Moon at 5 degrees of Cancer on June 28th at 7:52 pm Pacific and 10:52 pm Eastern. Check your local time to see when this Lunation is occurring in your area.

Happy Summer Solstice!!

Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, just like Aries, Libra, and Capricorn, but the cool thing is all of these placements are markers for the beginning of a new season. A New Moon in the Sign of the Crab means we are in the early days of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, Aries kicks off the Spring Equinox. Cancer gives us summer vibes for the Solstice, Libra brings us into Autumn, the other Equinox Point, and Capricorn pulls us into Winter, which is another Solstice axis.

And this is a Micro Moon.

What’s a Micro-Moon?!

Micro Moons occur when the Moon is at its furthest orbit from Earth.

Apogee is the technical term for when the Moon is further away from our Earth. There are instances when the Moon appears smaller than usual, just as there are Super Moons when this celestial body appears enormous. The Moon's eccentric orbit causes this. As a result, it's not precisely circular, so we get "Apogee" and "Perigee" moments when our natural satellite is the furthest distance from Earth's perspective.

Because this is a New Moon, it won’t be visible due to this lunar event.

New Moon take place between the Earth and Sun, obscuring the light on our natural satellite. But regardless of visibility, this Moon will still be at the furthest point from Earth.

The Chart Ruler for this lunar event is the Moon which happens to be in Cancer, where it has Rulership.

As a result, this lunation has a lot of strength placed in its Home Sign of Cancer, so we will experience the effects of this New Moon intensely. We could have more heightened awareness with the New Moon in its Sign of Rulership. So, this could be when your intuition guides you on what next steps to take in your personal life.

Regarding the alignments, this Moon is making uncomfortable Transits, so we could feel like our emotions fluctuate more than usual.

This Moon is Semisquare, to the North Node, and Venus, causing us to focus on what needs to change with our relationships and finances. This alignment helps us understand the importance of going forward and not repeating the same patterns with money, our romantic unions, and close relationships.

A complex configuration between the Moon and Saturn might help shed light on demanding family relationships. In other words, this may help us realize the importance of picking and choosing our battles with controlling relatives that need to be the boss of everything. This could also show why we need to heal from relationships with parental figures who didn't provide emotional security.

And this Moon will Square Jupiter causing us to feel over the top emotionally.

Squares between these two celestial bodies can have their highs and lows. So, on the one hand, we could use this to get in touch with our adventurous side and go out for some summer fun. This configuration tends to bring in the sense of luck, giving us the urge to take risks on opportunities. We just need to ensure when taking these risks that they won’t backfire.

On the other hand, this alignment could cause moments where are emotions feel inflated, which could cause us to feel more sensitive than average. We might overreact if someone’s opinion or feedback triggers us, resulting in arguments.

Zodiac Signs that will feel this lunar event the most will be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, between 1 to 10 degrees of the Cardinal Signs.

New Moon In Cancer Vibes

Transits GraphSirius Software

In terms of the vibes, a bunch is going on, so we will experience various emotions.

On the 28th, there’s a smidge of solitude, ambition, and mental energy. Because this Moon is somewhat edgy, we will want quiet time with no distractions and to do things that don’t take a lot of mental energy. Although there’s just a tiny amount of solitude, getting time alone could feel hard due to the social energy.

These next few days will be about interacting with the people closest to us and trying to make the most of a social situation even if we feel stressed out. However, there will be a high amount of good luck, social, along with family, and friends vibes.

The good luck energy comes from the Transit between the Moon and Jupiter. This vibe will urge us to go after opportunities we might have been afraid to try. With this, try to make sure some of the risks you’re taking aren't coming from a place of entitlement because that could cause this fortunate energy to backfire.

Intersecting all of the other vibes is emotional sensitivity on the 29th. Again, this is the kind of Moon where our moods will feel off-kilter, so try to find ways to ground your emotions.

Emotionally, we might feel triggered easier than usual; our best bet will be to stay away from the things or people who bring out our edgy side, which is not always easy.

But there will be a bunch of romance and psychic vibes.

With this Moon, our intuition will feel heightened, so listen to your gut in certain situations where your psychic abilities or dreams point you in a better direction.

Cancer New Moon Reflective Questions

Cancer energy is an excellent place to start if you’re ready to take charge of your personal life.

A New Moon is about beginning a fresh cycle, constructing what you wish to improve on in the next 6 months, and using the most significant attributes of that Sign.

Think about what you want to create by January 7th, 2023, regarding comfort and emotional stability.

Here are some Cancerian questions to think about:

What helps you feel emotionally secure?

How will you create healthier outlets for yourself⁠?

Are you ready to move forward from shallow relationships that offer nothing but insecurity?

Is this a time you’re ready to be fulfilled on all levels in your personal life?

At a point in your life where you’re ready to attract your own inner circle, i.e., your tribe?

Is this a time when you are looking to take charge of the things that bog you down?

Are you prepared to prioritize your needs, so you’re creating a work-life balance?

Have you been considering reinventing the definition of what a family should look like?

Looking to heal from generational baggage passed down by family so you can break unhealthy cycles?

Do you want to take a deep dive to understand the origins of your family history?

Realizing the importance of clearing clutter of all forms from your life?

Ready to only give your time and energy to those who have earned it?

Wanting to be more protective of your personal space?

Ready to make a game plan to create a better home environment, even if it means a move?

Want to learn how to trust your intuition?

Is this a time when you want to be more private about your goals because oversharing has led to problems?

Looking at ways to develop healthy patterns in your life to create better habits that set you up for success?

Cancer is associated with comfort, family, personal life, home environment, and what brings us emotional security, so if you work towards these things, it will bring the stability you crave.

In other words, create a game plan to help you get to the next steps of being emotionally fulfilled; that way, by the time we get to the Full Moon in Cancer, you’ll be able to see if things need to be tweaked or if you have a steady foundation.

This Zodiac Sign emphasizes the need for internal security. We work on stabilizing our emotions because erratic behavior is not healthy for us. With this Sign, it’s also critical to surround ourselves with people that have our best interest at heart and won’t lead us to spiral out of control.

To succeed, we need people who genuinely support us and vice versa.

Because this energy is about privacy, we protect what doesn't need to be seen. In Cancer, we learn that not everyone needs to know what you have in your house because it creates jealousy and bad vibes.

Everyone doesn’t need to know how the sausage is made, so it’s important not to always share your recipe for success. We should practice the divine art of concealing in our daily lives to protect what’s sacred.

Learning to make our personal life and living conditions a priority is critical; if something has to be addressed, make the necessary changes. After a long day, a home should be where you can kick off your shoes and unwind.

Themes For The Cancer Full Moon

New Moon in Cancer ChartSirius Software

Cancer is all about inner security that helps us feel good about our lives.

Here are the themes for the Full Moon in Cancer:

Use this New Moon to nurture the things you’re ready to develop for a successful personal life.

-Later guys

Astrology Horoscope New Moon in Cancer Lifestyle Cancer Season

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Cleopatra Jade
Your Astro Weather Girl! I post news about Weekly Astrology Forecast, New and Full Moons, Astrological happenings, along with Astrono...