
Venus Goes Into Gemini on June 22, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

Venus enters Gemini on June 22nd, which may teach us not to limit our options in love and money.

Venus in Geminiimage by author

I'm ready to mingle and keep my options open.

Cancer Season started a few days ago, so if you're missing the chatty vibes of Gemini, you're in luck because Venus will be in the Sign of the twins. This Ingress should give us a nice dose of stimulating energy regarding our love life and finances.

Venus connected with Gemini tends to be a delightful configuration to experience.

But about every eight years, it becomes more complex energy because Venus happens to go retrograde in Gemini. Gemini is one of the Signs on the Venus Star Point that connects with the Retrograde Cycle of this Celestial body. Luckily, we have another six years, or so before that occurs in the Sign of the twins. Other Signs on the Star Point are Aries, Capricorn, Leo, and Scorpio.

In the meantime, we get to enjoy ourselves because this configuration is actually fun. Because Venus is about doing the things we enjoy, this configuration is about trying something that piques our curiosity, looking for adventure, and needing mental stimulation. And because Venus deals with our love life and finances, we could take a more Gemini approach to these areas of life.

Venus, combined with Gemini, helps us become more ambidextrous in many situations.

Our need for social stimulation and variety becomes very strong with this Ingress. Socially it's easier to be more fluid, meaning you can move through different environments plus groups of people and feel like you fit in with everyone. This kind of Venus is very versatile regarding the interactions and people we find interesting. Therefore, the urge for variety on a social level will be massive.

During this time, we find conversation to be more stimulating. Our approach to interacting with others is friendlier. Venus in Gemini happens to be one of the most friendlies configurations causing us to be more open and receptive to others. So, this is absolutely a time for making new connections.

Romantically, this configuration puts a very flirty tone into the air. In dating situations, we will crave witty banter, intellectual stimulation, and bouncing off of others flirtatiously. Also, people seem less reserved, so dating-wise, this also brings in the friendly types.

With this Ingress, people who could pop up on your dating radar might be the educated types.

A Gemini-Venus combo helps us be interested in more than just appearances. Attraction equals mental stimulation, so even if someone is physically appealing, these vibes could have us lose interest if they aren't stimulating enough. In other words, people tend to be more attracted to intelligence, humor, sarcasm, and the type of people who are walking thesauruses.

Multitasking in our dating life becomes more manageable with Venus in Gemini. If you're single, this will be a time to consider your options. Look at your choices and take more opportunities. So that way, you can pick and choose who might be right for you.

For committed relationships, this could be a time of looking at ways to make your relationship more stimulating in a healthy way. The urge to go on new adventures with one another will be high. This might be a period where your communication improves with one another and focus on scholarly subjects in your talks.

Curiosity becomes more widespread with this configuration. In other words, we are more open to trying new things, focus more on what piques our interest, and just want to know more about how things work. Venus is again about what we enjoy, so this could be when you're feeling the need to educate yourself, take courses, read, or binge-watch documentaries.

On a financial level, you could feel the need to pick up a few side hustles because it is about multitasking in this Sign, so you could be interested or attempting to find other ways to make money. Our thoughts could lead us to take action on diversifying our income. Another ideal situation from this social Venus is connecting with friendly people in business, networking, or even a job

Of course, there's a lower expression like there is any time we get a new planet in a Sign.

Gemini energy combined with Venus tends to be a bit scattered. Because of the need for variety, we tend to bite off more than we can chew. The Gemini juggling can take hold with the lower expression of this configuration, leading to mishaps.

It’s great to multitask, but it creates a bottleneck if it's too overwhelming.

Being the butcher, baker, and candlestick maker can result in burnout because it's impossible to wear every hat. Boredom happens faster than usual under this Ingress. Our need for constant stimulation could result in unfinished projects, half-read books, left behind hobbies, losing focus on a job, or dating situations.

Also, love life-wise, we might come off flaky or meet those who lack consistency. This could be a time when your interest in someone changes quickly. With Venus in Gemini, dating-wise, people tend to be more like hummingbirds going from flower to flower rather than landing on one plant.

Flakiness tends to occur with the lower vibration of Venus in Gemini. Because of this, people tend to ghost more than typical over text, and sometimes it’s due to the low attention span of this Venus; for others, it's because of too much juggling.

Aloofness becomes an issue in this energy. Some connections with Venus in Gemini are surface level. Because this is the kind of Venus that just wants to have fun, there is a tendency to flirt, lose interest, then wonder why the person is mad at you.

Even though this configuration has its downside, there is still so much we can get out of this Ingress.

Let's use Venus in Gemini to add versatility to our lives and be more sociable with others.

-Later guys

Astrology Gemini Horoscope Venus enters Gemini Lifestyle

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