
The Sun Goes Into Cancer on June 21st, 2022

Cleopatra Jade
Certified Master Life Coach

On June 21st, Cancer Season begins; here's how it can help us develop a fun and stable personal life.

Sun in Cancerimage by author

If it doesn't bring me comfort and emotional security, then it’s not for me.

Welcome to Cancer Season 2022.

And happy birthday, Cancers; it’s your time to bask in the Sun.

Oh, and Happy Summer Solstice! We’re in a brand-new Season which has some essential features. The June Solstice gives us our warmest season in the Northern Hemisphere, and it is also a Cardinal Point. The Cardinal Signs are the kickstarters to fresh season, so anytime we go into Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, we start a new weather pattern.

With this change, we shift from Gemini's hyperactive, talkative, communicative, curious vibes to a more mellow, let's get comfortable and in touch with our emotions approach. This will be when our confidence benefits from emotional fulfillment and emotional security.

Cancerian energy urges us to have the right people around us, do extraordinary things around our home, and ensure our personal life is in check. The transition into Cancer will get us in touch with our inner foodie, feeling secure emotionally, and ensuring our personal lives are in order.

Now, this is not to say that all of a sudden, we're going to lock ourselves up in our houses and become hermits.

But in Cancer Season, our focus does go more to our private life.

Here in the States, we celebrate 4 July, which is about getting together with the people you care about the most and enjoying Independence Day with food, festivities, conversation, and fireworks. Cancerian times come at the height of barbecue season and about throwing summer parties at your humble abode.

Our need for social outlets goes into get-togethers. Hence, the main focus is on all kinds of relationships, not just our romantic ones. The most significant focal points become those we are related to and friends that we consider family.

In Cancer energy, we seek out the people we consider our tribe. With this energy, we get a lot of emotional fulfillment and confidence from those types of relationships, which are comforting and bring in the sense of security that we’re not alone in this world. We need that to feel that sense of safety and, of course, to have a successful personal life. Therefore, this could be when you're hyper-focused on creating better relationships.

Cancer energy is about coming home to something good after being out in that cold, cruel world where you have to work, grind, and deal with all types of nonsense. So, when you come home, it's your sanctuary. And when you come home, you want to be surrounded by loved ones to feel safe, secure, and soothed.

Nurturing becomes a huge vibe during Cancer Season. Because we tend to worry about others in this energy, we have the urge to be more empathetic. We work on being more compassionate and understanding when possible.

It’s essential to take time to listen to people and hold space for them. Cancer season helps us be more receptive to others' needs by showing support, doing the little things to cheer them up, cooking, and ensuring they are comfortable. We also reevaluate our priorities to ensure we're responsible to those around us.

Cheering others up is also another way this energy manifest. Cancers tend to have a way of knowing when someone needs a pick me up, so beyond being nurturing, they will do this through humor. So, you end up spreading all of these good vibes through comedy to pull someone out of a mood because you sense something is going on; they can use a good laugh.

Spiritually, this Cancer Season could help you connect with your mind, body, and spirit and balance your vibe. We tend to need a lot of self-care within this energy which might come in many forms. Because this is a summerie Water Sign, there are benefits from hanging out at the beach, lake, river, or pond to connect spiritually and just relax. The smell of salty sea air could also be soothing so hanging out at the pier is another good way to connect with this watery energy.

If all of these aren’t available to you, get in a pool and just float to soothe your vibration.

Floating in the water helps us destress. This is why people are into those float rooms; it’s another form of hydrotherapy—or going to a sauna to sweat out any impurities in the body.

This Sign is associated with the past, so we tend to be more nostalgic than usual during Cancerian times. This could be when you’re diving into documentaries about history, looking up old records, searching archives, or have the urge to visit an antique store or garage sale.

Cancer shows us how we connect with our roots, which has much to do with the family line. So, this could be a period you’re researching your family’s origins. We also look at issues with families that are off-kilter that need to be mended or why it’s essential to let go of generational baggage.

Of course, there's always a lower vibration whenever a planet changes Signs.

Again, one of the remarkable things about this energy is that it's very responsible, caring, and emotionally dedicated.

However, things could become overboard in that area. As a result, we could feel depleted, so it’s crucial not to take on other people's responsibilities and emotions. In other words, we need to ensure that we're not neglecting ourselves to make everybody else happy. Another way this can manifest is through controlling behavior. The need to nurture could lead to being overbearing with loved ones.

Passive-aggressive behavior tends to be more prevalent during this time due to disappointment. Often, anger gets bottled up in this energy, leading to outbursts and the need to retaliate. Because bottling up tends to be an issue in this energy stuck emotions from the past we didn’t deal with could come out uncomfortably.

Cancer Season helps us examine recurring patterns that don't benefit us so we can break out of past cycles. Past situations that didn’t get resolved about family could resurface. Therefore, things that might have been suppressed or kept secret could reemerge. This could be when you have to make decisions about the definition of family, which is more of a neutral expression; however, it is uncomfortable.

Water Sign Seasons tend to bring out high levels of sensitivity. This is a Sign about feelings; we might be more hypersensitive and go through mood fluctuations more than average. Taking care of your emotions is essential with Cancerian vibes; try to ground your energy when this happens. If you’re starting to feel anxious, take the time to incorporate a ton of self-care activities this summer, which could be as simple as hanging with grounded people, going for a swim, or anything related to nature.

Let’s make the most of this Cancerian energy and bring out the highest vibrations of this Sign. And do something fun with the people you consider your tribe.

-Later guys

Cancer Season Astrology Horoscope The Sun Enters Cancer Lifestyle

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Cleopatra Jade
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