
Top 5 Most Popular Fried Chicken Restaurants in Hartford, Connecticut

Restaurant Review
Community Voice

This list is based on prior customer reviews.

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5. Hot Pots

This eatery is situated in the liquor outlets area. Here you can get fried chicken, sandwiches, BBQ, jerk turkey, Southern sides and many other dishes.

4. NY Chicken & Biscuits

Like many other restaurants in Northern part of the USA, this place’s structure is also box-like with bricked walls. Nevertheless, this is an extremely great place where you can get one of the best fried chicken, seafood, sandwiches and sides.

3. Fowl Play

This is one of the most special restaurants in this city that provides hot fried chicken of extremely good quality.

2. Broasterant

On Park Street, you can find this amazing restaurant that serves brilliant quality and tastes chicken. The chicken is fried but with thin layer on the outside, and this way of deep-frying chicken is called broast. When you compare the quality and flavour of food, the place, and the staff’s behaviour with the pricing, you will see that it is an extremely cheap restaurant.

1. BIRDCODE Hot Chicken

This is one of the most modern and beautiful restaurant structures in the city. They guarantee that the chicken is always fresh (never frozen). They also grow their chickens on their own in a completely natural way. And no doubt, the quality of chicken and food can be easily seen. This is the best hot fried chicken producer in this city.

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