
Top 5 Most Popular Fried Chicken Restaurants in Yonkers, New York

Restaurant Review
Community Voice

This list is based on prior customer reviews.


5. Ruffled Feathers

Let’s start the proceedings with a traditional fried chicken producer restaurant that does not only have delicious fried chicken, but other chicken recipes are also great. The casual and informal environment, kind staff and unique recipes are waiting for you. So, when are you coming?

4. Alvin & Friends

This is one of the most luxurious and lush places in the county where you can get Southern and Caribbean cuisine at the same table. So, this place is a heaven not only for southern comfort food lovers but also for the Caribbean cuisine lovers.

3. Sweet Potatoes Restaurant

Only the name of the restaurant is Sweet Potatoes. Here, you will get authentic southern comfort food cooked by an American-African chef. The owner saw that the people of New York state were lovers of southern fried chicken and other southern meals, so he opened a restaurant and got success in next to no time.

2. Pepe's Place

For Muslims, it has always been challenging to find a halal restaurant in a city like Yonkers. Are you also a Muslim? If so, now you don’t need to be worried. Because this is a halal seafood restaurant that serves tasty shrimps. But it also serves halal and savoury fried chicken.

1. CravWings

If you are craving fried chicken wings, you can’t find a better place than CravWings in this city. The name of this restaurant is enough to attract you. But when you first visit the site, you have become a fan of it and come here again and again—the reason behind that we will revealed when you go there.

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