St Paul

Top 5 Most Popular Coffee Shops in St Paul, Minnesota

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This list is based on prior customer reviews.

Saint Paul, Minnesota's ancient and warmly welcome capital is one half of the enormous Twin Cities. With a population of just under 300,000 people and all of Minneapolis' urban neighborhoods on its doorstep, the city achieves a nice balance between the relaxed and the urban. The Mississippi River's lush, occasionally snow-covered banks surround the city's southern outskirts, while the inner streets are bustling with everything from specialty coffee shops to cutting-edge museums.

5. Cafe Astoria

Cafe Astoria is a locally owned business that specializes in delicious lattes, crepes, pastries, sandwiches, and more. The Mocciato, with espresso, chocolate, and amaretto, the Dirty Matcha latte, with espresso and vanilla syrup, and the Bee Sting, with espresso, wildflower honey, bee pollen, and chili, are three of the greatest and most famous coffees on the menu.

4. Dogwood Coffee - St. Paul

Dogwood Coffee in St. Paul is the city's most popular coffee store, with incredible flavor combinations. One of the must-try items is the Panorama. This seasonal blend is meant to be savored, with flavors ranging from jasmine and candied orange to brown sugar and dark chocolate, just like the view from Palisade Head in Silver Bay.

3. Spyhouse Coffee

They intended Spyhouse to be a friendly place for its customers and communities from the start; they didn't want an exclusive niche café. They aspire to be a destination café for the Twin Cities, welcoming anybody who wants to be a part of the coffee community. When you come in the Spyhouse order the Bold and the Beautiful blend, which was created to accentuate the complex interplay of darkened sugar tones within a rich balance, is amazing.

2. Cahoots Coffee Bar

Cahoots Coffee Bar is a coffee shop that serves the best coffee in town. They make coffee that is faithful to both Turkish origins and the environment of St. Paul's by combining traditional procedures with local ingredients. Turkish coffee is made by brewing extremely finely ground coffee. It's prepared by heating coffee till it froths, then allowing it to boil over before being removed from the flame. It is one of Cahoots Coffee Bar's distinctive coffees.

1. True Stone Coffee - Lowertown

True Stone Coffee - Lowertown is a neighborhood coffee shop providing unique and delicious coffees. One of them is the Stone Hammer coffee, which is a real stone cold brew with espresso, vanilla, and cream added. You can also order the Miel, a popular blend of honey and cinnamon among baristas.

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