
Top 4 Most Popular Korean Restaurants in Louisville, Kentucky

Restaurant Review
Community Voice

This list is based on prior customer reviews.


4. Koreana Restaurant III

This authentic Korean restaurant checks all the right boxes: full of flavor, juicy, well-seasoned, and overall outstanding. They have many options to fit those who prefer spicy over mild and vise vera. All of their excellent food and dishes will have you wanting to come back and try out more of their menu. You’ll dig in so quickly that you might just forget; the phone eats first. Although they might not be the most popular in the area, they surely satisfy the Korean food craving.

3. GOGi 1055 Korean BBQ

Parting from the all-you-can-eat cliche of Korean BBQ, this restaurant focuses on the quality that they serve its patrons. However, like most KBBQ places, they do let you cook your meat, with help from servers if necessary. Their wonderful food is a bit expensive, but worth the quality and quantity you receive. It’s a unique experience that you should try if you’ve never been to a Korean BBQ restaurant before.

2. Sarang

For those not as familiar with Korean food and maybe not feeling too adventurous, Sarang has many Americanized menu items to choose from. Both types of meals are delicious. The casual place has excellent counter service. They also are very quick when preparing their tasty meals. Sarang continues to advance in taste and customer service, letting both speak for themselves.

1. Lee’s Korean Restaurant

The authentic Korean food at Lee’s is full of menu options to choose from. They have many traditional meals with great flavor and customizable spice levels. Portion sizes are generous and perfect to share with a group. Lee’s food is reasonably priced and they have efficient customer service, quickly and efficiently preparing food. It’s a great atmosphere for a comfy night paired with great food. They also have soju to sip on as you enjoy a tasty meal.

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