
Top 5 Most Popular Burger Restaurants in Athens, Georgia

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This list is based on prior customer reviews.

5. Clocked

Chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, synthetic herbicides and insecticides, ammonia, and other additives are all avoided when using organic, local, and natural foods. This is the best kind of burger joint for anyone who is health conscience.

4. Groove Burgers

Groove Burgers has been a locally owned and operated business for almost 5 years, and they are passionate about what they do. They make cuisine from scratch and offer it to you fresh seven days a week. Order the "Taco Burger," a taco-seasoned burger with spicy ranch, pepper jack, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole.

3. Grindhouse Killer Burgers

Grindhouse Killer Burgers initially served a customer in downtown Atlanta's Sweet Auburn Curb Market in 2009. Grindhouse immediately became regarded as the spot to obtain some of Atlanta's greatest burgers in one of the city's most unusual and exciting environments, despite its location among seafood, meat, and produce vendors.

2. Five Guys

More than 250,000 burger customization options and 1,000 milkshake variations are available at the local Five Guys. Your ideal dinner is only a few clicks away! Whether it's using fresh ground beef, double-cooking their fries in 100% peanut oil, hand-preparing fresh ingredients every morning, or serving peanuts while you wait, they do it all.

1.Farm Burger

Farm Burger is a neighborhood burger joint where the cattle are fattened and finished on sweet grass, never given antibiotics or growth hormones, and grown and treated in a humane manner. They also collaborate with local farmers in the areas where they operate.

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