
Simplest Marketing Strategies That Have Made The Biggest Impact From 18+ Experts

Andre Oentoro

Not every small business, like bigger companies, has a marketing budget. Often, entrepreneurs do not have a lot of extra time to market their goods and services.

The most effective marketing tactics of all time are always based on fundamental principles of human behavior.

After all, if you are unable to comprehend the psychology of your prospective customers, no amount of ad spend will be able to save your business, according to

Marketing is the most critical component of business growth—and if you're looking for highly effective marketing tactics, there are two things you should know:

"What are the most effective marketing strategies?" and

“How” these marketing strategies work best.

We've collected and explained 18 highly effective marketing strategies by the experts from the world's most successful companies that have provided them with great results.

Additionally, we've included simple advice to help you in implementing these marketing methods for your company.

These marketing strategies connect to the principles of healthy human interactions while also incorporating cutting-edge technological tools for brand marketing.

Pinterest Marketing

Corrigan Duffy, Owner of Corrie Cooks says “Using Pinterest has been one of the most effective tactics for building an email list and a following. We started using Pinterest about five years ago. Here's how it works: I write relevant blog posts with valuable content, create attractive pins with compelling headlines, and pin them to the relevant boards on my profile as well as larger group boards with tens of thousands of followers. It's the most cost-effective way to reach mass audiences. Not only is Pinterest the largest source of referral traffic to the website, but the platform has also helped me grow my email lists significantly. For example, on average, I generate between 500 -1,000 new email subscribers each month.”

Content Marketing

Native content marketing through different business magazines has proved a great source of traffic for websites. Dr. Frederik Lipfert, Founder & CEO of says “A good SEO strategy relies on high-quality content plus in-depth keyword research. If you do the leg work and use keyword research tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs, you can identify hidden opportunities and then capitalize on those opportunities by creating high-quality, keyword-informed content. We use original research and data in our content. The data is fact-based and usually displayed in visual charts that tell a story. This makes it easy to convey the findings and it is differentiated from normal text. The uniqueness is the key and it must add distinct value.”

Instagram Marketing

Andrew Priobrazhenskyi, CEO of DiscountReactor says “Our E-commerce growth strategy is building our brand on Instagram. While showcasing our services through visual images is the key purpose behind utilizing Instagram, we can also create individualized campaigns to align our services with current trends and events. Another useful tool we can use on Instagram is trend analysis. This allows us to understand which posts are attracting the most traffic, so we can understand where our growth is and which areas need improvement. IGTV gives us the opportunity to create videos, providing us with a tactical way to explain our products while also showcasing our unique brand.”


Stefan F. Dieffenbacher, Founder & Managing Director of Digital Leadership says “A simple marketing strategy is being conservative with the promotional language and call-to-action. In haste to increase conversions, too many people add a call-to-action every paragraph, especially in email newsletters. I believe less is better and only include a CTA with a backlink in the closing paragraph. This applies to all content types, whether it be a newsletter or blog post. Offering value in the content should always be put first and promotional stuff second.”


Ryan T, Digital Marketing Lead at Absolute Care Health says “Personalization is everything at my company. I want to show each and every customer that buys our services that we, as a brand, genuinely care for their health and wellbeing. We have tried many strategies in an effort to make our company as personal as possible, one of those being sending a thank you email to everyone that buys from us. Along with that, I give them my personal email so they can discuss with me anything they’d like, whether it’s sending me a review or asking me questions about our services.”

Joel Friedman, Owner of EZContacts says “One of the simplest but most effective marketing strategies is optimizing your marketing strategies through further personalization. Making the most out of your customer insight and crafting messages that appeal to their needs will improve the quality of the service you provide and boost your company’s reputation in your industry. It’s also best if you try out tools and applications that can automate tasks in order to provide quicker and better service. Client-centered marketing that prioritizes personalization, accuracy, and convenience is the most effective marketing style of all.”

Retargeting Ads

Adam Gaskill, Head of Marketing of CRC Industries says “Retargeted ads have made the most significant difference in our marketing strategy. Retargeting works by taking the people who have already downloaded a lead magnet or joined your email subscriber list and showing them specific ads. We've seen that for retargeting to be successful, it needs to be precise. We segment our leads by behavior, activity, or demographics. Then, we show them specific ads through an ad channel or social media.”

Posting Consistently

Finn Cardiff, Founder of BeachFix says “The simplest, but most effective marketing strategy is consistency. Your company could have a full marketing department or be doing it all yourself. Whatever marketing you do, do it consistently. Most companies fall into this trap. They advertise for a while, then drop it. They’ll put out one news release and never do it again. They’ll post occasionally.”

He added “Writing content daily for my websites has been the simplest marketing strategy with the biggest impact. When you start out writing daily content you don't see progress for months or even years in some cases, which is why many people overlook it and stop before they start seeing results. Writing and publishing daily posts for my sites is such a simple daily task and the one that brings me the majority of my traffic and revenue.”

Referral Bonus

Angelo Sorbello, Co-Founder of says “In my experience, one of the easiest but most effective strategies is creating a mailing list and offering an enticing referral bonus. Creating a mailing list is something you can do for free when starting out through sites like Mailchimp. If you create some kind of offer to collect leads, you can make a landing page on your site and easily set up a marketing funnel that you can send traffic to from Facebook for great results.”

Remarket your Audiences

Alex Popa, CEO of Whizcase says “The key strategy I'd recommend is to constantly remarket your audiences. Engagement is the key to the marketing ecosystem. Without having multiple touchpoints with your customers or prospective customers, you're giving up an easy opportunity. Remarketing to users on Facebook, Google, Pinterest or any other ad platform is cheap and it's measurable. I won't say this works for every brand and every product being sold, but in the vast majority of cases, a business can significantly impact its bottom line by just launching a few remarketing ads toward their engaged audiences.”

Guest Blogging & Help a Reporter (HARO)

Nick Rubright, Digital Marketing Specialist at SuperCan Bully Sticks says “Your marketing strategy does not have to be complicated for it to be effective. Even the simplest marketing strategies can have a huge impact on your business. That is one of the things I have learned from my years of being in the SEO industry. And what I can say has been one of the most helpful and effective marketing strategies for my website is guest blogging. Guest Blogging has helped us grow our backlink profile, strengthen our SEO, and make more industry connections. Also, guest blogging made it easier for us to reach out to more people and establish a presence within our niche.”

Joe Troyer, Founder of Review Grower says “Try Subscribing to HARO, a platform where journalists are constantly looking for experts in a range of fields. You can respond to queries from journalists in order to acquire backlinks from top-tier websites. As far as answering HARO queries “by far the best marketing activity we’ve done in the past few months”—more so than even guest blogging and fixing broken links. Here the methodology is to pick the best and most relevant queries, send timely answers to them, and, in the vast majority of cases, we’ve gotten backlinks from high authority websites. The result is we’ve grown our organic traffic and our domain authority has noticeably increased in a matter of just a few months.”


Luke Lee, Founder of PalaLeather says “Use storytelling to connect with your audience. Rather than explaining your products and services, tell a story about them. Tell your followers about how you came up with the idea for your company and why you decided to pursue it. What were some of your difficulties, and how did you overcome them? Customers will become invested in your product if you engage them. Storytelling connects your audience to your brand and encourages them to make a purchase decision. They also become a part of your brand's story, which makes them feel valued.”

Social Media Communities

Alex Capozzolo, Co-Founder of Brotherly Love Real Estate says “A simple marketing strategy that proves to be impactful is marketing through social media communities, for example, Facebook groups. Figuring out a way to organically engage and formulate relationships within Facebook groups allows you to genuinely market your product to thousands of members. Especially in this time of a global pandemic, when people are spending so much of their time online.“

Daniel Foley, SEO Expert at IVA Advice says “It is important to never underestimate the power and need for human connection. People are lonelier than ever and with the virus cases still on the rise, we might be stuck inside our homes going into next year, not able to socialize in person or enjoy typical activities such as restaurants, bars, concerts, museums, etc. Many of us are resorting to spending that time connecting online in forums, chats, and Facebook groups. This type of marketing requires a time commitment, patience, and strategy but ultimately delivers high rewards.”

Customer Service & Feedback

Jamie Robinson, SEO Expert at New Boiler Cost says “Improve your customer service because the competition has become tighter in this time of new normal. Small and medium businesses are competing against large enterprises for a share of customer growth in this time of pandemic more intensely. And through better customer service, they can create a loyal customer base. For instance, in my business, offering a price guarantee has helped double our sales significantly. We strive to be able to offer the most competitive prices for our products. If our customers find another online store with a lower price, we ask them to contact us and we will do our best to match (or beat) the price in return.”

Gerrid Smith, CEO of Criminal Defense says “Asking for feedback from customers has proven to be a successful marketing tactic time and time again. Sharing what other customers have to say about us is greatly beneficial and provides social proof. It helps in the creation and stabilization of trust, as well as having a significant impact on visibility and reputation. People who want to try a product or service often read what other consumers have to say about it and how their experience was. As a result, sharing client feedback helps them trust our company.”

Podcasts Marketing

Jon Lynn, Founder of My Office Pod says “Pitching to be a guest on relevant shows is becoming increasingly valuable as podcasts grow in popularity. We've discovered that podcasts allow you to demonstrate your knowledge as a thought leader while also sharing your offerings. And don't worry, there is a huge range of podcasts to choose from in any industry or niche. You might want to explore establishing your own podcast once you've gained more expertise as a podcast guest. As a result, you'll be able to draw more attention to your brand while also strengthening relationships within your network. Not to mention that it's a great deal of fun!”

Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, ...