
Finale Ligure: Lay Out At The Italian Riviera Near Turin

Ryan Shannon
Community Voice

Relax, unwind and catch a tan at this Italian Riviera paradise

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What’s There to See?

Another great place to visit along the Italian Riviera: Finale Ligure. Imagine yourself with a Spritz in one hand, a book in the other, and the sound of gentle waves brushing along warm sand.

That’s the kind of magic you’ll experience. While this beachside town does tend to get crowded in the summertime — especially by city-dwellers in Milan and Turin — there are still plenty of smaller, more private beaches worth visiting along the Riviera.

On top of the beach, there’s still plenty of historical and cultural attractions, too. We’re talking very historic: there are even caves with evidence of early human inhabitants as early as 12,000 years ago.

Later on, a few thousand years later, the Gavone Castle was built in the 1180s. Unfortunately, most of it was destroyed during the battles with Genova, however, the castle was rebuilt in 1941–1942.

Finale Ligure got its name from Ad fines in Latin during Roman times, which means “on the border”.

This isn’t because of the border with modern-day France, but rather Finale Ligure marked the border between two Ligurian Celtic tribes: the Sabatii and Intemelii.

Finale Ligure has plenty of places for you to sit back, grab a bite of food and enjoy the company you’re with. You’ll fall in love with the turquoise waters of Finale Ligue and the overall laid-back vibe of the town.

How to Get There

Using, you’ll see you can reach Finale Ligure within 3 hours for around 14 euro (which can be expensive for some travelers). If you’re looking for a cheaper option, you can always try BlaBlaCar (which can be hit or miss i.e. there may be no rides available).

In the summer, keep an eye out for promotions on Facebook — many bus companies offer direct buses from Turin to the Ligurian coast.

Click here to order my book “Taste Torino” — Discover more about Turin and charming Northern Italy

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Ryan Shannon
Digital nomad, I/O psychology student, entrepreneur. Visited nearly 30 countries. Author of 5 books on freelancing, travel, mental he...