
Video Production Mistakes You Shouldn't Commit

Andre Oentoro

There are as many possibilities to succeed with corporate video production as there are ways to mess it up. Learn about the top mistakes committed by most businesses when creating a web video so you can avoid following on their footsteps.

The need to create a web video has become a necessity rather than just an option, if businesses were to excel in the industry. But simply because you've made your own video does not mean that it works. There are several possibilities to get it wrong particularly when there is no professional guidance involved. Most businesses might not be aware on how to do it right, but if you avoid the potentially fatal mistakes you can improve your chances to succeed.

Overlooking the Target Audience

This is a fatal mistake that any business must try to avoid. However, this rule is not applicable only to video production but in all forms of advertising campaign. The goal for making a video is to communicate to your audience. Thus, when you fail to identify the target audience, there is a risk of the message not being crafted for them and you will lose out on the real essence of this marketing approach.

One reason why some businesses tend not to target their corporate video is because they wanted to appeal to a wider range of audience. However, appealing to everybody just isn't possible. A professional video production company would tell you that an efficient video have something concrete to offer to someone. You must know exactly what you want to achieve and to whom you are addressing your message. There isn't room for blurry lines. This is why pre-production is important because you can utilize that step to determine who exactly is your target market. If you didn't take care of this step, chances are your video will fail.

Not Being Precise About Every Detail

Large companies that have access to advanced technologies or state-of-the-art equipment for making digital video often leave all the work to these modern tools. However, consumers are smarter these days and they lean more towards businesses that showcase genuine desire to provide quality products or services. You won't be able to impress them with a beautiful visual or animation. Rather, you need to look into every detail of your corporate video to ensure that it communicates to your target audience what your business is about.

Not Fully Utilizing the Resources

Most business owners have this false misconception that producing a digital video involves a large sum of money. Although this is partly true because the equipment and technology needed to setup your own video production unit will require a huge investment, you can find a professional production studio to do it for you instead. A professional studio is equipped with all of the technology needed to make your own web video and are also handled by expert staff who are knowledgeable about all aspects of video marketing, or other forms of production. A professional video producer will have all these things covered to ensure that the final product meets your business standards.

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Not Realizing the Power of video marketing tools

Most of the business owners actually don’t know about the power of video marketing tools. These tools can skyrocket your marketing campaigns. There are many tools based on demographics, gender, view cont, watch time and downloading Youtube videos, etc. available online for free.

The above list showcases only three top mistakes that businesses have the tendency to commit during video production. However, with this knowledge, hopefully you can make the appropriate improvements when making your own web video and fulfill the promise of this marketing tool.


Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, ...