I Broke Up With My Girlfriend

Shein K

Break UpStefaNikolic/ iStock

Did you break up with your girlfriend?

It's never easy to go through a breakup. Whether you broke up with your girlfriend or she broke your heart, you will be experiencing a range of emotions.

No one goes into a long-term relationship expecting to break up with their partner someday.

However, when a relationship becomes unhealthy, and you and your partner can’t seem to get along, then choosing to end the relationship may be the best solution for both of you.

If you’re currently in this situation, try out these four ways to move on from the breakup and go on with your life.


It was not surprising that I(anyone) broke up with my girlfriend.

When I broke up with my girlfriend last year, I was surprised to learn how many of my friends had recently gone through the same experience.

As we shared our stories, the similarities were shocking—we all ended things at about the same time, and for many of us, life felt better almost immediately after we decided to move on.

Since then, I’ve come to realize that ending a relationship is much like quitting a job you hate; leaving on good terms (and not at the same time) is probably your best bet for making sure your future isn’t full of depression.

When you're trying to get over a breakup, there's a vital aspect of acceptance that sometimes goes unnoticed. We had been living together for almost two years, but our relationship was falling apart before our eyes.

There were many issues between us, and we’d been fighting about them regularly for months. Things had gotten to a point where there was no turning back.

Blaming your ex for leaving will do nothing but prevent you from moving on and getting over them.

Accepting that I had made my final decision about breaking up with my girlfriend meant coming to terms with reality, learning from experience, moving on, and improving myself in preparation for new relationships in the future.

If you want to start healing from your breakup, stop blaming your ex for your misery and try accepting how hard it is for both of you to move on at once.

If you find it hard to accept that you broke up with your girlfriend, try writing about why you think it happened. What reasons did you have for breaking up? Was it an argument or some kind of irreconcilable difference? Were there personal things that made life too hard between both of you? Take some time on your own and answer those questions honestly.

Writing down what happened during our relationship became an exercise in self-reflection and evaluation and learning how to move on after heartbreak.

Take care of yourself

Finding yourself alone after a breakup is tough, especially if you weren’t ready to end your relationship.

It's impossible to recover after a breakup if you don't look after yourself. Allow yourself to experience all of your feelings, but don't allow them to overwhelm you.

I didn't know how to deal with all of the feelings associated with breaking up with my girlfriend.

When we went our separate ways, I began doing some soul searching and ultimately decided that I wanted to take better care of myself.

You must take care of yourself to perform effectively in your daily life (and be there for others).

And remember that what feels like forever today will likely fade with time, so take it one day at a time. It may not seem like it now, but you will get through it!

As a result of prioritizing my health and well-being, I now feel more empowered than ever before and can love again.

Take time away from each other

When I broke up with my long-term girlfriend, I chose to take time away from each other rather than end things immediately.

We drifted away and had different priorities, which was the only reason we broke up.

Even though it wasn’t right for us to be together, I didn’t want her to think I was rejecting her as a person so soon after our breakup.

The best thing you can do for your relationship after a breakup takes time away from each other.

It’s easier said than done, but going on a trip or spending time with friends can be a helpful way to take your mind off things.

It will give you time to comprehend what has happened, refocus on yourself and engage with friends and family.

No one should have all their social interactions revolve around their partner, so take time away from each other to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Your friends and family will help keep you busy while ensuring that you don’t spend too much time alone. It’s easy to fall into a depressive estate after a breakup, so it’s vital to keep people around who keep you positive.

Don’t leave at the same time

When my ex and I broke up, we didn’t want to leave each other simultaneously.

We wanted our lives to be separate. Our daily routines weren’t intertwining anymore, so we went on with life as if We had never met before.

Instead of making a huge deal out of it, we agreed that whenever one of us felt better or worse about the breakup, then that was the right time for them to move on.

It took a few months after the breakup for her to feel comfortable dating someone else, while I did not feel comfortable until almost a year later when I finally started seeing someone else.

Breaking up is painful enough on its own; doing it simultaneously makes it even more difficult in both ways.


I hope you enjoyed my article on going through a breakup. Whether you broke up with your girlfriend or she broke your heart, going through a breakup is never easy.

I know it's not easy comprehending the pain that comes with the end of a relationship. Hopefully, my blog post will help you move on and carry on with your life without your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend!

Please feel free to share this post with anyone you believe will benefit from my advice.

I would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to comment below. Follow me if you want to get in touch with me.

Breakups are never easy, but sometimes they're the best thing for you.
Relationship Health Lifestyle Entertainment Self Improvement

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Shein K
I write about Business, Finance, Make Money, Personal Advice(life hacks), etc.