March Delivers More Than St. Patrick's Day: March 6-10: Part 2

Stacey Doud
Community Voice

March is full of special days in addition to St. Patrick’s Day. Not only is the first week of March "holiday" heavy, but March 6 – 10 also offers up a bounty of things to throw a party for!

March 6:

This day is earmarked as National Dentists’ Day. One way to celebrate is to get your semi-yearly checkup (or for those of us who are not on the ball, your yearly or bi-yearly checkup). Unfortunately, many folks are afraid of dentists and suffer from what is called Dentophobia.

For those who are basically at ease at a dental visit, here are some ways to celebrate National Dentists’ Day:

March 7:

Celebrate Your Name Day, which is March 6-12, which is the first full week in March. Visit a historical names site, such as to find out!

March 8:

National Retro Video Game Day commemorates retro video games from the 1970s, 80’s, and 90’s. It also celebrates Ralph Baer, who has been thought of as the Father of Video Games. In 1966, he had the idea of playing games on a television screen. He and his employers worked on several prototypes until the "Brown Box" was invented. This was the origin of the first home video game console, which was known as the Magnavox Odyssey.

From PONG to Sonic, March 8 is the day to find your old Atari and Nintendo consoles and play games from an age where pixels were king.

March 9:

March 9 is National Get Over It Day. For real.
Get Over It SignCan Stock Photo

Jeff Goldblatt, a man who was having trouble coping with a failed romance, created a website and posted one of his poems on it. The poem went viral, and National Get Over It Day was born. Whether it’s a failed relationship, a fight with a friend, a job loss, or some other challenging thing to get over, Goldblatt encourages people to reflect on the issue(s) and let go.

March 9 is also National False Teeth Day. There is no real information about the origin of this day, but its purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of dental health.

The first set of false teeth, or dentures, were made in 700 B.C. from a mixture of human and animal teeth. In the 16th century, the Japanese created the first pair of wooden teeth, which George Washington is known for wearing. They made the dentures from an impression made in beeswax. The first porcelain dentures are credited to French pharmacist Alexis Duchateâu and his dentist, Nicolas Dubois de Chémant. “Waterloo Teeth,” which were teeth extracted from dead soldiers after the Battle of Waterloo, was fashionable in England in 1815,

Make sure you tend to your dental health, so you won’t end up like Ben Affleck, Miley Cyrus, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, and many other celebrities who have false teeth.

March 10

For you bagpipe enthusiasts out there, March 10 is International Bagpipe Day.

This musical holiday was founded by the International Bagpipe Organization, the Bagpipe Society, and pipers Andy Letcher and Cassandre Balosso. It was Balosso who, in 1986, had the idea of organizing an international conference to make the history and play of the pipes to a more diverse audience.

After the first conference, International Bagpipe Day was born. Some of the countries and organizations that observe International Bagpipe Day are Harvard University in Cambridge, MA; Glasgow, Scotland, Haninge, Sweden; Minsk, Belarus; Iran; and Nigeria.

March 10 is also National Nametag Day. Can you imagine walking down the street and knowing the name of everyone you pass? Would that be a good thing? Of course, some people would have nametags that don’t have their real names on them, but perhaps a nickname or favorite TV/movie character. Privacy is king these days.

This holiday was created in 1997 by the well-known onomatologist Jerry Hills and is part of Celebrate Your Name Week.

What? You don’t know what onomatology is? Join the club.

Onomatology is the study of the origins, history, and use throughout the years of proper names. These days, onomastics is used for data mining and the study of the origin of names.

Hills’ vision was to get people to connect more face-to-face and feel the sense of community that can result in people calling others by their first names. Name tags can also serve as automatic ice breakers, as they bypass the question, “What’s your name?

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Stacey Doud
I live and work in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and enjoy discovering new trends, businesses, events and organizations to write about! A...