A Day at Dolce Vita Wellness Spa in Reno

Jenny Curtis
Community Voice


When I arrive at Dolce Vita Wellness Spa for my Luxe Mani Pedi, a gift from my Love for my birthday, I am led to a fancy room, given a robe and sandals, and transported to what truly is the ultimate in peaceful relaxation. Never have I put on a fancy soft spa robe to get my nails done before. Never have I been told I can go sit in a room with jelly fish tanks and gorgeous chairs to just “relax.” There’s also a fireside room and a patio - it’s all so gorgeous!

Needless to say, I am a big fan of Dolce Vita and I hope to come back as often as the pocketbook allows. The place is fantastic, for starters. It is gorgeous. Their options are truly wonderful and I wish I had been able to try them all and stay the day! You can even become a member, which is so tempting. At Dolce Vita the priority is wellness. They have Day Spa offerings such as massages and manicures, and they have Med Spa offerings, like anti-aging treatments and micro-needling.

My manicure-pedicure was lovely, I felt pampered and happy and as mentioned, being in that robe just upped the relaxation game so much. If I was a drinking woman, well, the "Luxe Mani-Pedi" comes with a free drink. I am not a drinking woman and it was 9 am, but I did find some non-alcoholic options and grabbed a Turmeric Latte on my way out - it was good! It tasted like health and coffee!

At Dolce Vita you can stay as long as you need to after your treatments. My mani-pedi was done by a wonderful professional, I miss her already, and after my fingers and toes were made gorgeous I was asked which room I wanted to go to for more relaxation. I tried them all!

The dressing room was also fabulous. Showers, sauna, a room to sit and look out at the old Harrah Mansion, history abounds on this spot, by the way, and best of all, the happy glowing women coming in and out feeling relaxed. I wish all women - and men, really, could be treated to a day a week of this sort of relaxation, luxury, self-care, and wellness. But, alas, we all know that such things are a bit pricey and most of the women I spoke with were there as gifts for special days - Valentine’s, birthday, pregnancy massage.

Budgets are tight but if I can figure out a way I know I will be going back to Dolce Vita and who knows, maybe I will see you there!

spa selfcare manicure pedicure massage

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Jenny Curtis
Jenny is a poet, writer, mother and teacher. She is just a girl in the world, new to town and learning to love this city - Reno, NV. ...