
Climate Change: Google, Amazon Among Companies Exaggerating Carbon Emission Goals

Business Times

Some of the world's largest companies, including Google, Amazon, and Nestlé, are failing to reach their climate change commitments. Worse, they are overestimating and misrepresenting their efforts, which adds to the contradiction in climate reality, a new analysis reveals.
Climate Change: Google, Amazon Among Companies Exaggerating Carbon Emission GoalsReuters

The investigation, published on Monday by the non-profit organizations NewClimate Institute and Carbon Market Watch, discovered that most major multinational corporations' headline climate pledges cannot be taken at face value.

The analysis rated the transparency of each of the company's climate pledges as "integrity." It graded them based on criteria such as their climate targets, the amount of offsetting they expected to employ and the dependability of those offsets, progress toward decreasing emissions, and transparency.

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