Is Life Really Awesome?

Shein K
Beautiful LifePeera_Sathawirawong/ iStock

Life is amazing. It's filled with peace, love, joy, a sense of purpose, happiness, and many other beautiful things.

I have all been living my life beautifully for a very long time but I didn't really notice it until about 2 years ago.

But my life was filled with so much beauty that it wasn't possible to share them until then. This is when I started living my life beautifully and I wanted to share it with everyone around me.

I finally saw the beauty in my life and I wanted to share it with everyone around me. And that’s when it hit me—I needed to share my passion with the world!

Here are 10 things that I did to live my life more beautifully so you can benefit from my experiences.

10 things I did to live my life more beautifully

Have a great question? Create a dynamic list of points to include in your answer. What would you include in your list? Give an example of when you experienced such a feeling? How can we live our lives more daringly and with passion? Let me know your thoughts below.

10 things I did to be happier and help others: If you liked what we talked about today, make sure that you subscribe so that you don’t miss out on any future episodes or interviews.

Moved to a new country

Moving is hard, no matter how much you think you’re ready for it. Getting adjusted, finding a job, and making new friends take time.

Try and remember that it's not easy on your partner either, they are trying their best as well. So it's ok if sometimes they act strange or don’t seem like themselves.

Moving can be both scary and exciting so make sure you enjoy yourself but don’t stress too much about it, everything will fall into place eventually.

Took sabbaticals from work

Sabbaticals are usually reserved for high-level executives, but they're becoming an increasingly common tool in a new generation of workers' arsenals.

Sabbaticals can be taken at any point in your career—and if you’re able to work remotely and just take a break from your normal routine, that’s even better.

Think of it as a pause button: Sometimes what we need most is a way to refocus and reenergize so we can get back up for another go at our dream jobs.

Became vegetarian/vegan

Once you take your meat and dairy off your plate, it’s amazing how many new food options open up to you.

These days there are so many plant-based alternatives in grocery stores (and restaurants) that can satisfy all of your favorite comfort foods.

Switching over from a carnivorous diet is a pretty big deal when it comes to veganism & vegetarianism because people are really afraid of giving up meat, dairy, and eggs (yolk). Believe me, when I went vegetarian for about 3 months in college, I had no idea what to eat.

Started writing again

Starting a writing habit is, admittedly, one of those things that sounds like it should be easy.

But it's actually super hard because sometimes you have to sit down and write even when you don't feel like it (that's called discipline). But if you're working on your own projects—whether at work or in your free time—it's so worth it.

Set aside 20 minutes every day and force yourself to put words on paper (or screen). It will help your mind stay limber for when inspiration strikes.

Fell in love and started getting married

This summer is two months away from us. Why not pick a nice day and go down to city hall or get married at your favorite beach?

Weddings are so colorful and it would be a great way for you both to add some color into your lives.

You’ll never regret getting married in your own country or in another country with all of those people you love there with you. Isn’t that what marriage is about?

It’s about having friends, family, and loved ones standing by your side when you take vows, caring for one another through good times and bad, making each other laugh every day.

Learned how to play piano

Self-expression and connection are two of our most powerful experiences in life.

Learning how to play an instrument does both of these, but it also helps you grow as a person by giving you an outlet for your thoughts and feelings, whether that's on paper or through performance.

Music gives me peace, something I find myself needing more and more in an increasingly stressful world.

Whether you want to play at open mic nights or just enjoy playing for your own enjoyment (or both), it’s never too late—or too early—to learn how to play the piano.

Returned home for good

After graduation, I immediately moved back home with my parents and spent three months saving up for a trip around South America.

This experience taught me what it was like to live on almost no money, but also gave me time away from school and work pressures.

Many people dream of traveling for a long period of time; make sure you’re not dreaming, but actually doing something about it.

Use your savings account as an excuse or a motivator, just get started! And if you need more reasons: traveling will change your perspective on life by making you realize how small you are in comparison to everything else that is happening in our world.

Getting rid of useless belongings

Most of us have some junk that we don't really need, but it's hard to part with.

Get rid of anything you haven't used in six months or longer and set a goal for yourself to continue weeding out the clutter in your life.

Decluttering has been shown to relieve stress and boost energy levels. It can also make you feel like there's more space in your home—even if your junk isn't physically gone.

Started traveling solo

When you travel solo, your world is your oyster. You have no one else’s schedule to consider, no one else’s itinerary you need to fit into or care about.

More importantly, you can start seeing yourself as a traveler rather than just as a tourist. When all of your experiences are yours and yours alone, they feel deeper and richer than if they were shared with someone else.

And that can make all of those trips so much better than anything shared would be—and it makes every travel memory just that much more special because it belongs only to you.

Expanded my circle of friends

I realized that there are too many other great people out there to focus on one person.

It’s a lesson most of us learn at some point in our lives, but it’s a good reminder that sometimes, we just need a push.

To get started with making new friends, reach out to an old one for lunch or coffee (or something else noncommittal). If you haven’t seen each other in a while, you can use that as an excuse to catch up and rekindle your friendship.

Just be sure not to ask about any mutual friends—it doesn’t do much good for your friendship if it ultimately leads someone else down on their luck.


I hope you enjoyed my article about how to live your life beautifully. I want to share my passion for the world to see that life is amazing! I know that you're busy and don't always have time to sit and read a lengthy blog post but I hope that this one was able to keep your attention for a bit. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment box.

Life is beautiful, live beautifully.
Self Improvement Life Motivation Inspiration Happiness

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Shein K
I write about Business, Finance, Make Money, Personal Advice(life hacks), etc.