
A police officer violently enforced the law and strangled a female colleague when she was dissuaded

Steven Brown
Community Voice
Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

According to the Huffington Post on the 17th, a male police officer in Sunrise, Florida is under investigation. A previous video showed that a female colleague of the officer tried to de-escalate the situation, but was caught by him during law enforcement.

Body camera video obtained by NBC shows Officer Christopher Price grabbing a female officer by the throat and pushing her into a police car. The incident happened on November 19 last year when police received an emergency call about a man attacking passersby outside a convenience store.

Sunrise Police Chief Anthony Rosa said in a statement Friday that Price, 46, had been with the department for 21 years when he was standing next to the suspect armed with pepper spray.

The video can be seen when a 28-year-old policewoman grabbed the male officer's belt to try to quell the situation, Price slapped her, grabbed her by the throat with one hand, and pushed her to the side. on the police car. It is reported that the female police officer has served for more than two years.

Authorities have silenced the voices in the released video, the report said. In a statement, Rosa praised the female officer for de-escalating an "emotional situation." Rosa added: "I am proud of the female officer involved in this incident, and I am confident that in the tense situation, her actions were clear and demonstrated her good leadership."

The male police officer involved had two allegations of excessive use of force nearly 20 years ago, but both were cleared, local TV station WSVN reported. Currently, Price has been placed in clerical work pending the outcome of the investigation.

"I find this behavior disgusting and I think what this video show is self-evident," Rosa told WSVN on Friday.

The sources of this report are:

police crime

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Steven Brown
Freelancer. Worked as a reporter for five years. Love to share some interesting news.