Food & Drink

Are People Going Hungry Because of the Winter Storm?

Michelle Jaqua
Community Voice

Here's what you can do to help.
man eatingPhoto by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

I recently read a story about how Meals on Wheels has had to cancel their deliveries for the past two days to their 7,000+ customers. These people are mostly the elderly, disabled, or otherwise, shut-ins that can't get enough food to feed themselves.

With the continuing winter storm, it would seem likely that Meals on Wheels will continue canceling deliveries at least for the rest of the week.

While we are all somewhat affected by the storm, there are people in our community who need an extra boost of help.

Meals on Wheels has assured us that they provided shelf-stable food deliveries last fall. They're also doing wellness checks on their customers. We as a community need to work together for those who need us.

If you know someone who is otherwise unable to make it out of their home, always check on them to make sure they are okay. Ask them if they have enough food and if they have working heat and electricity.

If you're safe to visit them, bring them a meal. Even better, sit down and eat a meal with that person. Most people enjoy the personal connection of another and appreciate that someone cares about their well-being.

There's also another benefit: Providing support for someone else can give you the feeling of social connectedness, increased happiness, and even reduced stress.

If you know a neighbor, family, or anyone who may need your support, call and let them know you're bringing over some dinner and spend an evening with them if you can. If you're unable to get to their home physically, call and check on them to see if they need anything at the store. That small outreach of care and concern will boost both of your overall health.

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Michelle Jaqua
Michelle Jaqua is a freelance writer who lives in the beautiful state of Oregon. She writes about a variety of news and happenings in...