
Florida. Don't Like The Weather? Wait Five Minutes.

J. Harris
Community Voice

That's what they say about Florida weather.

CloudPhoto by NOAA on Unsplash

Since 9:00 A.M. this morning it has rained seven times. It's now 3:00 p.m. It has also rained while the sun was out. The weather is very unpredictable today.

It's nothing new but you can't plan anything outside or go to the beach as you will be rained on a good chance of the day. This is typical Florida weather. It could be worse. We could have a hurricane, but it's not "hurricane" season anymore. That's from June to November. Such a long time to wait and see what will happen this year.

This is Florida, especially, south Florida where it is more tropical. Thank goodness it is December. Otherwise, it would be really hot and the humidity would be really high. Our normal temperatures in Florida for at least eight months of the year range in low 90's as the highs to high 70's as the lows. Sweltering but I will say the breeze we get from the oceans really help to keep it tolerable.

When it comes to the relief that we feel in the winter, we wonder how we got through the hotter months. You know there are only two seasons in south Florida, hot and hotter. But still everyone wants to come to Florida and live here after they retire.

Yes, it certainly does not get cold here. That's for sure, but, why would you want to stay here for forty or so years after living up north. I have only been here seven years and sometimes I really miss the cooler temps of Georgia; where I lived for more than sixty years. Some folks visit during the Florida winters and go back in February or March so they skip winter in the north.

I also found that the humidity is the deadly component in the south Florida weather, not so much the thermal readings. And dehydration can creep up on you. You have to drink plenty of water and take a bottle with you when you go out every time. Walking, running, and exercising outdoors is a clothes and body drenching experience.

Air conditioning is our friend. It keeps it all tolerable. If you don't have a/c you suffer. Some people have died from the heat. Somehow the a/c doesn't go off during the hot months, but will go on and off in the cooler months. I think the air conditioners are rigged to do this so that Florida Power and Light can get paid more.

And let's be reasonable, the air conditioning also keeps the mold away as humidity is its friend. Mold grows anywhere and everywhere. Once, we were living in an apartment on the third floor. We were moving out so I was removing our belongings from a closet shelf. When we moved in, I put some blankets on the top shelf because I knew we did not need them. I was pulling them down. As this was happening, I felt they were heavier than usual. I did not know why until I moved them and found black mold had grown in the blanket and on the wall next to it. The blanket was full of water and mold. I managed to bag that up and took it out but was wondering how that could have happened. We always had the a/c on. That's what I mean. You have to be vigilant and look out for it.

Merry Christmas! Oh, and that's another thing.

Hilarious Christmas Decoration of Flamingos in Santa CostumesAuthor's photo

Florida Decorations Mold Hurricane Humidity

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J. Harris
I usually write about a lot of subject matter from my own personal life to animal behavior. Everything in between. I have been writin...