
This may be the safest place in Kentucky to survive a nuclear attack

Anita Durairaj
Community Voice

In the 1960s amidst the Cuban Missile Crisis, Louisville, Kentucky was considered to be the safest place in the U.S.

Louisville is the home of the Mega Cavern - an underground cavern that was slated to be used as a bomb shelter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The cavern has the capacity to hold 50,000 people and the plan was to hold as many people as possible in the cavern in case of a nuclear bomb.

The cavern was even set up with barracks, food supplies, and a hospital during that time.

Today the Louisville Mega Cavern is an entertainment venue as well as a storage center. It is considered to be the largest building in Kentucky.

According to some geologists, it is also considered to be the safest place in Kentucky. The cavern is reportedly tornado and hurricane-proof. Some of the walls in the tavern are also heavy-duty and blast-proof.

With its previous designation as a nuclear fallout shelter, the cavern still retains the capability of serving as a safe shelter.

In a fallout shelter, the walls and roofs should be thick and dense enough to absorb the radiation from the nuclear reaction.

A fallout shelter may also be located in the lowermost levels and the Louisville Mega Cavern is a subterranean cavern. In fact, you cannot even receive any TV or radio signals underground in the cavern.

Hopefully, there will be no reasons to use a fallout shelter but it is good to know that there is one readily available in Kentucky.


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Anita Durairaj
Trained with a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Cincinnati, I write unique and interesting articles focused on science, hist...