
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s celebrity status do not compare to royalty


Al Bawaba

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are treated like celebrities after leaving their royal duties, but the admiration they received does not compare to what the royal family receives.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped back from their royal duties in January 2020. They moved and settled in the United States after Megxit. One royal commentator weighed in on their popularity compared to the royal family.

Royal commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti spoke with Express and discussed how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are benefiting from their royal status. According to him, even if they still have a lot of fans, the admiration, interest, and support toward the royal family are very different — it’s far better.

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He cited the Sussexes’ trip to New York City. For him, it was a clear indication of the difference between the British royals and the royal couple. He pointed out at the crowd and the level of dignitaries the Sussexes met.

Sacerdoti said Prince Harry and Markle get enormous coverage because they are celebrities. Also, there is a natural interest in the two. However, the attention given to them is very different from what the people give to the royal family.

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During royal tours, the crowd wait to see what is happening and dignitaries rolled out. But in the Sussexes’ case, they only met with lower-level officials. He also pointed out the underwhelming crowd that was shown in the footage.

“It highlighted the gulf between a royal tour and a would-be royal tour they were engaging in,” Sacerdoti explained. “I suspect we are going to see more of that going forward.”

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It was not the first time Sacerdoti commented on the Sussexes’ royal tour. In a previous interview, he likened the royal couple’s NYC trip to a “fake royal tour.”

He pointed out that they were no longer part of the royal family, so it was fascinating to see them engaged in such a “fake royal tour.” For him, it was just a holiday in New York that turned to be a working trip.

Prince Harry and Markle were seen with microphones and cameraman. They were allegedly recording it for a documentary on Netflix.

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Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt also criticized the Sussexes trip to the Big Apple. For him, it was self-serving and hypocritical. He also said it was shameless and fake.

Just like Sacerdoti, he found some similarities in the outing with a royal tour. He even said it was orchestrated to mimic a royal tour but full of empty gestures and obvious hypocrisy.

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