
7 Effective Ways to Build Brand Awareness With SEO

Andre Oentoro

Brand managers are tasked with building up brands to ensure they stand out among the overflowing global market. SEO has been playing a big role in making this happen. Although the way SEO does this has changed over the years, the bottom line remains the same. You need savvy SEO strategies to increase your company’s brand awareness.

1. Use effective link-building strategies to reach a larger audience

Link-building is an essential SEO strategy to use if you want to boost traffic. You will have to use descriptive inbound links to your website from external sites. This will aid in increasing your rankings on Search engine results pages.

When you are building links, always ensure you are ethical not to be penalized by google. To do this practice, “white hat” links. This is creating organic and valuable links to improve user experience. Using “black hat” linking entails spamming tactics to attempt boosting SEO quickly. Avoid this at all costs. A better way is incorporating better link building strategies.

Additional resources: SEO basics guide

Good link-building strategies

Find bloggers and guest blog

When you finally find your niche and begin actively blogging, find your kin and create partnerships. Just search your topic, and you will find well-known bloggers in your niche. Contact them and ask for links.

Another effective link-building strategy is requesting your acquired contact list to write a guest post. Then, include a link back to your content. You will not only build effective relationships but also build your brand.

Additional resource: Guest posting website

Properly utilizing social media and YouTube

Utilizing social media simply means adding your links to all platforms that you share on. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Simply insert your link in your content and profiles. Ensure your links are nofollow; this effectively reduces spamming.

Utilizing YouTube is a big one, with a Trustflow score of 99/100 backlinks to YouTube are an effective way of improving your brand.

Make use of broken link building

Broken link building is a creative strategy to get links running. This process is as follows.

Ensure you provide valuable content for your audience and use ethical link-building strategies to grow your brand.

Contact those you link to

To ensure Google does not penalize you, always contact those you have linked out to. Do a quick research on them, link, and notify them. You could do this by sending them a quick email telling them how their work has impacted you.

Your good gesture might have you getting a link from them. This way, your brand will grow.

Make use of influencer marketing

Influencers have massive traffic and following. If you play your cards well and utilize this marketing strategy, you will have your brand growing. Have influencers add your links to their viral posts; you could also have them include branded hashtags in their contents and have their followers use them in their posts.

2. Dominate the local market with local SEO

SEO is a wide field, but if you’re a running a business with a physical location, or one that’s targeting a specific geographic area, then you must invest in local SEO.

This is particularly effective for small businesses and the ones who target a specific region. Implementing local SEO for small businesses, it would be easier and faster to reach the target audience and convert them into loyal customers.

Doing so will ensure that your business ranks higher on local searches that match your keywords. Having your website rank for local search is a sure way to boost your overall sales.

Some of the best ways to get started include:

3. Creating branding optimized content

Optimizing content is typically viewed as an on-page SEO strategy. But how do we optimize content to grow our brand?

Be objective to build trust

Creating objective content entails not being too salesy or too pushy. Be balanced and objective.

According to MarketingProfs, 74% of consumers say they trust any educational material from a business so long as it looks objective and doesn’t try to sell.

It is okay to sell your product but ensure you know that that is what the users intend.

Always match users’ intent

How do you write content that matches your user’s intent?

Simply research their queries and create content matching it.

Failing to act your user’s intent means that it is worthless no matter how polished your content might be. Conversely, to deliver on what the user wants or you will lose them.

Adhering to what a user wants helps you grow your brand as your trust level skyrockets.

Always create quality

Quality is the holy grail to brand growth.

Checklist to quality content, use proper grammar, correct spelling, proper formatting, and ensure appropriate paragraph length and clear readability.

If you produce quality content, you will impress your readers and build your brand.

Always use call-to-action

The goal of any content is to make your readers take a given action. Therefore, if you perfectly optimize your content with proper call-to-action, you achieve your goals because your conversion rate optimally increases.

4. Optimizing keywords for increased organic traffic

Keyword optimization is the process of researching, analyzing, and choosing the best keyword to drive traffic to your website.

Using keyword optimization is a very critical step to ensure Search Engine Optimization. When you select your keywords correctly, all your efforts will bear fruits.

Keyword optimization is crucial as it;

How do you optimize keywords to increase traffic?

Correctly choose the keywords to focus on

Focus on what your goal is. Then niche down to keywords that align with your bottom line.

An easy way to identify the keywords you need to focus on is by using an SEO dashboard that visualizes your most important keyword data in one place.

Properly index important content on your page

This can be done by checking Google’s “text-only” version of your page’s cache. Locate your site in google and click on the cached link when the cache version appears on the “text-only version” link.

Improve search listings for the keywords.

Ensure you search for all the keywords you are going to focus on. This way, you will be enabled to know the most trending keywords. Next, select the keywords that have a low bounce rate and high conversion rate.

5. Target your brand niche

There are riches in niches.

Niching means focusing on a target client and not being a generalist. When creating your brand strategy you should focus on a specific group of people that directly benefit from your brand, instead of targeting everyone.

The importance of niching down is it allows brands to differentiate themselves from the rest efficiently. This way, you can take advantage of all strategies to improve your brand.

How to implement niche strategy

6. Optimize your socials to divert audience to your website

SEO and social media are a heaven-made match when it comes to optimizing your brand awareness.

It all begins with understanding who your target audience is, and what your followers love to see. With the right content, comes better engagement levels. While this is mostly popular among businesses that try to engage new customers to their website, it is also an effective nonprofit digital marketing strategy for nonprofit organizations.

Social media has the ability to feed the audience to your website, which in turn, helps in boosting your SEO rankings.

By utilising LinkedIn automation tools, you can accelerate your link building results, gaining faster traction whilst investing less of your valuable time.

Additional resource: Best digital marketing agency in Lagos

7. Utilize brand partnerships

Partnering with another brand is yet another ingenious way to boost your SEO rankings.

Brand partnerships will have an impact on your rankings.

If you get another brand to partner with you towards a particular shared goal, you’re both able to bring in your audience, creating a much larger force.

According to Google’s EAT principle, for a page (or website) to rank, they must have shown trustworthiness.

Having other brands positively discussing you online or positioning you as an authority in your niche will send signals to Google, which in turn, ranks you.

Additional resources: Social Media Marketing


Building your brand or having someone else build it for you takes a lot of strategic thinking. First, you have to ensure you have a good growth plan and constantly follow the changing digital marketing trends.

You might be prompted to use financial resources or the skillset of knowledgeable people. Do it. To stand out from all millions of brands, you have to be unique, follow the tried and tested methods, and add your personal touch.

Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, ...