
5 Photography Tips to Capture Magical Family Memories

Andre Oentoro
Photography Tips

At first thought, family photos could seem like an easy feat. All you need to do is get everyone together— what could go wrong? But every photographer knows that capturing that picture perfect moment takes a lot of preparation especially if you have a big family.

Imagine trying to keep all the children in your family still enough and getting the adults to synchronize their schedules. Getting that one good shot could easily take you an entire day if you’re not prepared!

To help you, we’ve come up with five photography tips to capture those magical family memories without breaking a sweat.

1. Plan Ahead

Depending on the size of your family, planning a photo session could feel like planning a party. You’ll have to think of the logistics, the timing, the attire, and the theme. Plus, you have to get everyone on board with all the details or else you may have no-shows or rogue relatives who decide to wear what they want.

So, start planning weeks or even months ahead of your desired date.

Lock in everyone’s schedule and get them to agree to the details. This way, you get to iron everything out before the day comes. For example if you live in India you can try to use best wedding photographers in India.

By planning ahead, you can relax, pose, and click away during the photoshoot.

2. Location is Key

Aside from having a camera, location is probably the most important aspect of your photoshoot. Not only does it serve as the backdrop for your photograph, it can also make or break everyone’s mood or vibe during the shoot.

Of course, family photos will always have more sentimental value if it’s in a place that’s significant to you. An ancestral home or a place where your family would regularly gather are always great settings for family shoots. While you can always book a more photo-ready venue for your shoot, there’s still nothing quite like a setting that’s filled with family stories.

However, If you want something more formal, you can also book a professional studio. Make sure to inquire about the studio’s capacity before deciding on one.

Pro tip: If you’re shooting outdoors, try scheduling the photoshoot during the golden hours for the best lighting.

Additional resource: 10 Must-have product photography lightroom presets: free and paid

Additional resource: Unique wedding photography shots

3. Make Sure Everyone’s Comfortable

A family photo should be a happy occasion for everyone involved. Nobody should feel pressured to pose or dress in a way that they’re not comfortable with. As the photographer, you should try to accommodate everyone’s request if possible (and reasonable).

If, for example, your sister prefers to show her “more flattering” angle, let her! If the kids in your family would much rather make a funny face during the photos, don’t scold them! Let each and every person’s individuality shine through and you’ll be rewarded with a great photo.

Forcing people to be someone they’re not — even just for a photograph — won’t translate well in the final product. You might end up with a family photo that’s stiff and unnatural.

A photo that’s “imperfect” because someone has a stain on their shirt or one of the kids isn’t cooperating might seem bad at the moment, but it’s something that the family can look back to with a smile.

You want everyone to be in a good mood during photo day. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your subjects. What’s important is that everyone’s comfortable in front of the camera. Sometimes, candid moments make the best photos.

4. Choose the Right Camera Settings

As with any photograph, it is recommended to shoot in manual mode to allow for the most creative freedom. If you’re just starting out, there are a lot of beginner-friendly cameras available in the market.

Whatever your camera specification is, when shooting in manual, it’s important to pay attention to your ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. If you are just getting started with cameras, a can find a list of the best mirrorless cameras here.

For your aperture, you will want a higher f-stop to make sure each family member's face is clearly shown, especially for family portraits. We recommend an f-stop above f/4.

For your shutter speed, you will want to be at a high enough speed to allow you to take multiple On the one hand hots without causing any blurring effect. We recommend a shutter speed above 1/100.

When changing poses or locations, don’t forget to double check the exposure and adjust if necessary.

5. Set Aside Time for Post Production

Some would regard post production as equally important as taking the raw photo. Even the best photographers out there have go-to apps and software for their editing needs; Colorcinch editor being a fan favorite.

To achieve that magical image, leverage computer softwares like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and Design Wizard or if you need to edit while on the go you can use apps like Instasize that enables you to edit straight from your phone. If you want to add more elements and flair, make use of software with unlimited graphic design features to open up creative possibilities.

Once you have your application of choice, make tweaks or adjustments to your exposure, contrast, or play around with filters.

Your creative limits are endless with the right post production tools. Sometimes raw shots just need a little boost. Once you edit the photo, you’ll see your creative vision come to life.

Pro tip: Never over edit your photos or they might lose their quality. As long as you have a good camera, some minor edits will do. If it’s a bad photo from the get go, no editing software can fix it.

Memories that Last a Lifetime

Capturing family photos is a fun challenge. On one hand, you need to have the technical skill while on the other, you have to think outside the box.

Once you’ve nailed down the basics of taking a good photograph, all you need to do is gather your subjects! Remember: a family photo should be a good memory, don’t feel too pressured.

Preparing for the photo might take hours of setting up and just minutes to take, but the memories will last you a lifetime. Keep your photos in a digital frame that you can display at home and look back on through the years and generations to come.

Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps business increase conversion rates, ...