
Crazed Alabama Kidnapper Threatens to Make Woman Dig Her Grave

Crazed Alabama Kidnapper Threatens to Make Woman Dig Her Grave

Alabama State News by Evan Green

A 39-year-old Alabama woman was rescued from the hands of a crazed man who attempted to hold her captive for 24 hours, raped her, beat her, and even told her that he would make her dig her own grave.

In Jefferson County, 37-year-old Joseph Ryan Byram is being held on numerous charges. Byram's criminal history is lengthy.

A 911 call alerted Alabama response teams to the possibility that a kidnapping was taking place at a home in west Jefferson County. At their arrival, Byram consented to their search of his house. They heard the kidnapped woman calling out to them during the search.

They found her in the basement and took her to the hospital, where she is now being treated for serious injuries.

A kick to the ribs resulted in a collapsed lung for the woman, who suffered fractures in her arms, legs, and ribs.

Byram was introduced to her by a mutual friend, and she spent the night at his house. As time passed, Byram's personality began to change, and he became extremely violent towards the woman.

Byram has been charged with numerous crimes and is currently being held on a $90,500 bond.

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