
Cloudy forecast for Ahoskie — 3 ways to hit it head-on

Ahoskie (NC) Weather Channel

(AHOSKIE, NC.) Tuesday is set to be cloudy in Ahoskie, according to the National Weather Service, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Check out these ideas for ways to make the most of it, along with your four-day forecast.

Sprints day: Beginners and veteran enthusiasts alike know the frustration of wanting to go all-out with a new exercise or technique, but being thwarted by a broiler summer day. A cloudy day can be a perfect opportunity to take things up a notch without overheating.

Yard work: Who likes baking under the sun while they rake leaves or mow the lawn? Keep it cool by stacking heavy yard work tasks on overcast days.

Catch a movie: There’s nothing wrong with using a grey day for a break, either. Whether it’s a movie, a visit to an arcade, or even a day catching up on your favorite streaming shows, a rest day is a great idea, too.

Along with a cloudy Tuesday, here’s the rest of the four-day forecast for Ahoskie:https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=4C7i6h_0b97lJBi00

Don’t forget you can get the latest weather updates with the NewsBreak app. This forecast was created automatically using NWS data.

Ahoskie (NC) Weather Channel
Your Trusted Local Weather Reporting Service.