South Carolina

Female South Carolina Jailer Arrested for Having Sex with Inmate- Put in Same Jail

Female South Carolina Jailer Arrested for Having Sex with Inmate- Put in Same Jail

South Carolina State News by River Lange-Wright

Agents of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division arrested a former Detention Center Officer for providing funds to and engaging in an inappropriate relationship with an inmate at the W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center.

Jessica Graham, 30, was charged with misconduct in office.

SLED investigated the case at the request of the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office. Graham was booked at the W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center.

How common is it for a corrections officer to have sexual encounters with inmates?

One estimate, a Department of Corrections study done in 2014, found that 20 to 25 percent of employees had sexual relationships with inmates.

This situation also flies in the face of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, which prohibits prison staff from having sexual relationships with inmates.

Do you think this is more common than we think? Let us know in the comments.

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