12 Reasons to Visit Paschal Orthodontics and Fix Your Smile at Any Age

Crystal Jackson
Community Voice

SmilePhoto by Flávia Gava on Unsplash

As a child, I knew my family couldn't afford braces. Insurance wouldn't cover them, and even though I had substantial issues of both spacing and crowding, fixing my smile was outside of our budget. I learned to live with what was, and if I smiled less in pictures, it was better than feeling self-conscious about the way I looked. When I got older, I could have more easily afforded braces, but I felt like I was too old to get them. After all, no one I knew had adult braces, and as time went on, it seemed less likely that my smile would ever get fixed.

By the time I walked into Paschal Orthodontics, I was in my thirties and single. Getting braces still wasn't on my priority list, and although I had healthy self-esteem by then, I still didn't smile all that much in pictures. After meeting with the team at Paschal, I felt confident that not only did adults get braces, but I was far from the oldest patient they'd seen. After listening carefully to their plan to fix my smile, I felt empowered to take those next steps forward.

I got braces, and while it did sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable, I knew that I was doing something positive for myself. What I didn't yet know is how life-changing it would be. Orthodontic care may seem less important as we get older, but that's simply not true.

7 Reasons to Fix Our Smiles at Any Age

#1 Eliminate Dental Pain

Dental issues such as misalignment, underbites, and overbites can all come with pain and discomfort. We may adjust to it, but it doesn't just magically disappear. It can sometimes manifest in jaw pain and headaches, but fixing our smiles is more than cosmetic. It can help eliminate related dental pain.

#2 Save Money

It might surprise you to know that poorly aligned teeth can lead to health issues that come with high price tags to fix. Gum surgery, dental implants, root canals, and bone grafts are all expensive fixes--and may be less likely when we invest in fixing the seemingly cosmetic dental issues we're facing.

#3 Correct Health Issues

While orthodontic care may seem primarily cosmetic, it can help correct health issues. It can prevent the development of gum disease. It could also prevent or eliminate TMJ disorders that cause pain in the jaw.

#4 Eliminate Bad Breath

Dental issues can lead to bad breath. Fixing the smile could help correct this common and embarrassing issue. While good dental hygiene remains important, correcting dental issues can help eliminate problems that lead to bad breath.

#5 Prevent Cavities

Straightening the teeth can also prevent cavities--saving you time, money, and discomfort. While good dental care can also prevent the formation of cavities, it's easier to care for straight teeth than overcrowded ones. Fixing a smile can also lead to the prevention of cavities that might otherwise form.

#6 Sleep Better

Because a misaligned smile has been linked to both sleep apnea and TMJ, cosmetic dentistry can also bring about better sleep. The process of fixing a smile could lead to more restful sleep. A good night's sleep is essential for optimum overall health.

#7 Improved Self-Esteem

When you feel good about yourself, it shows. A straight, beautiful smile doesn't shy away from the camera. When you invest in orthodontics, you may find that you feel better about how you look. That confidence shines through in our interactions with others, leading to stronger relationships.

While you may be convinced that fixing your smile at any age is right for you, you may be wondering why Paschal Orthodontics is the best place to receive that treatment. I'm glad you asked! There are many reasons I chose them for my orthodontic care. Here are 5 of those reasons:

Why Choose Paschal Orthodontics

#1 Support Local

Supporting a local practice rather than an orthodontic chain puts dollars back into our community. Just as shopping locally supports our community, it's also important to support local businesses. It's also conveniently located in Madison at 1880 Bethany Road Suite B with a branch in Greensboro at 1110 Commercial Drive, Suite 111.

#2 A Business With Heart

This business believes in the community, and it shows this with generous donations to community programs. This business has donated more than $100,000 to local community organizations since 2006 from Madison to Lake Oconee and the surrounding area. Paschal Orthodontics may be here to fix your smile, but they are all heart.

#3 Expert Care

Paschal Orthodontics also offers a team of experts. Dr. Paschal is trained in both Orthodontics and Prosthodontics and has a Doctorate in Medical Dentistry. From treatment coordinators to orthodontic assistants, Dr. Paschal's team is ready to provide expert care and personalized service.

#4 Friendly, Personalized Service

While many medical professionals will leave you cooling your heels in the waiting room for extended amounts of time, the team at Paschal Orthodontics is both timely and efficient--respecting your time and providing customized treatment plans to meet your needs. At each stage of care, the team is happy to explain what to expect and how to deal with any routine discomfort. Expect friendly, personalized service on each visit.

#5 Affordable Payment Options

Along with a treatment plan, the staff can talk to you about payment options and help you choose which works best for you. While fixing a smile as an adult can often be more expensive, choosing an affordable treatment plan can help mitigate the upfront expense and make it budget-friendly. Consider this an investment in yourself!

I desperately wanted to avoid that awkward braces stage--particularly as an adult--but now I'm so glad I made the decision to invest in myself. It improved my confidence, and it took away years of anxiety about my smile--especially in photos.

Fix your smile at any age by visiting Paschal Orthodontics. It turns out you're never too old to get a smile that helps you feel like your best self. What often begins as a cosmetic improvement can support your health and lead to greater happiness. But don't take my word for it. Give them a call for a consultation and see if they can help you live your best life.

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Crystal Jackson
Crystal Jackson is a former therapist turned writer. She is the author of the Heart of Madison series and a volume of poetry entitled...