
California Residents and Animal Advocates Sue Over Dead Elk

California Residents and Animal Advocates Sue Over Dead ElkNational Park Service: California

There have been more than a dozen deaths of tule elk at Point Reyes National Seashore in the last year due to starvation and dehydration. According to the California lawsuit, they couldn't get past a fence the National Park Service put up so they wouldn't compete for food and water with cattle.

In a federal court in San Francisco, three Californians and the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit accusing the National Park Service of being negligent and that unless food and water are provided, more animals will suffer and die.

In order to preserve and protect these beautiful animals, the Park Service has a responsibility. It is not just inhumane, but outright absurd to imply that going without their basic needs fulfills that responsibility, said Kate Barnekow, a former clinical fellow with Harvard Law School's Animal Law & Policy Clinic, who is currently representing the Plaintiffs.

Melanie Gunn, Point Reyes National Seashore's spokeswoman, said she could not comment on pending lawsuits.

Necropsies obtained under the Freedom of Information Act showed that 152 elk died of starvation and/or dehydration, according to the lawsuit.

Governor Gavin Newsom declared a drought emergency for much of California last month. The drought this year has been particularly hot and dry, evaporating water more quickly than past droughts.

A Point Reyes National Seashore visitor and environmentalist, Jack Gescheidt has lived at Tomales Point for at least 20 years. According to him, he was cited by the park service after he gave elk troughs of water.

He said. “I see these beautiful animals and want them to experience a healthy, happy, safe life, but I know that so many of them will die through no fault of their own.”

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