
Primary Day for Democratic, Working Families Candidates


Tuesday is primary day for Democrats and members of the Working Families Party, with disputes continuing over ballot access and who really represents one party.

That argument was on display last week at the  Huntington Town Board meeting when members of the public challenged Councilman Ed Smyth, a Republican running for supervisor, to explain why candidates affiliated with him and the Republican Party are running for WFP votes.

Rebecca Sanin is the endorsed candidate of the Democratic and Working Families Parties. But Marissa Anderson, who is Smyth’s paralegal secretary at his law firm, also claimed a WFP spot, putting her in a position to appear  to be running against him.

Two Democrats, Joe Schramm, a Northport businessman, and Jen Hebert, former president of the Huntington Board of Education, were also cross endorsed by the two parties for Town Board seats.

And Hunter Gross,  a Democrat, also is running in the Democratic race.

Two other candidates, both affiliated with Smyth or the Republican Party, are also trying for WFP votes.

When members of the public prodded Smyth to respond to their questions, he remained silent while Supervisor Chad A. Lupinacci deflected them.

One person said he believed that “Someone’s underhandedly trying to take over a party but they don’t agree with the party values,” leading Lupinacci to say that people are “welcome to express your thoughts for the record. It’s not always an inquisition of the board.”

The Northport Observer reported last week that two people who had carried petitions for Smyth later received town jobs. A speaker at the Town Board last week said that one of men who was hired soon received a pay increase of $6,500.

Early voting has been underway for Tuesday’s primary. which runs from 6 a.m. to 9 pm. at the usual voting places.

In recent months, candidates connected with the Republican Party have gotten on to the Working Families Party ballot, a move opposed by the leaders of the party

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