Dining Out is One of The Easiest Ways to Go Broke

Jordan Mendiola
Community Voice

Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

Dining out and ordering food to be delivered to your doorstep is convenient, but they come at a cost. For the past two months, I’ve spent more money on dining out or delivery than ever before.

Part of it was because of the Pandemic. There weren’t music festivals, travels, or trips that I needed to save money for. 

My girlfriend and I got into a habit of eating out for our date nights, but now that we’re moved in, we’ve adapted more towards cooking our own food.

Why dining out or ordering food can be addicting.

The other part of it was convenience. Doordashing and Grubhubbing food save time away from cooking and driving to the location. But it comes at a cost. 

You have to pay a $5 service fee, extra taxes, delivery fees, and I always leave a tip for each order. All the fees could basically pay for an extra meal, but I sacrificed money for convenience. 

There’s nothing wrong with doing it once a week or a couple of times a month, but that all depends on each of our own financial situations. 

Being lazy to prepare your own food can put you in a rough financial place.

Cooking is a skill that we aren’t born with. It takes practice, dedication, time, and lots of patience to do. But once it becomes a habit, it serves as a phenomenal life skill that can last a lifetime. 

If you’re someone who knows how to cook, take full advantage of it and maximize the food you cook to keep more money in your pockets. 

Laziness comes at a price, and I don’t want to see myself or anyone else suffer financially because they didn’t pick up cooking.

Final Thought

Money comes, and money goes. There are so many better ways to utilize money besides ordering food or dining out all the time.

Experiences come at a price. Experiences are more fulfilling than buying meals that saved me a little bit of time.

There’s so much money to be saved. 

There’s so much more to life than just staying inside, ordering food, and watching Netflix. 

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Jordan Mendiola
Sharing an array of topics in attempt to inspire, motivate, and elevate you.