New Orleans

New Orleans Meal Assistance Program coming to an end

Curtis Macken
Community Voice
Shashi Chaturvedula/Unsplash

NEW ORLEANS, LA — The city of New Orleans has announced its near completion of the $30 million COVID-19 Meal Assistance Program, that provides twice daily made-meals to COVID-vulnerable residents for almost a year.

The pandemic hit New Orleans hard and Mayor LaToya Cantrell wanted to ensure all the vulnerable people stayed at home and had food on their tables through the Meal Assistance Program.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has funded the program and fed nearly 3.3 million meals to over 24,000 New Orleanians who were at risk if exposed to COVID. By providing food at their home, it limited their exposure to others.

The Meal Assistance Program will end on June 30, as vaccination rates continue to rise and the number of COVID cases, transmission and hospitalizations remains low in Orleans Parish. The roughly 4,000 residents who still receive meals will be informed in this upcoming week or nearing the end of the program.

In addition to serving residents in need, the program has the added benefit of supporting the 88 local restaurants.

According to a survey done by Chef’s Brigade, the meal program has re-employed at least 500 New Orleanians, who may have been out of work because of COVID-19 pandemic. Additional jobs have been created, such as the delivery and administration components of the program.

The meal program is managed by the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, with vendor Revolution Foods and its partners, Chef’s Brigade, the New Orleans Culinary and Hospitality Institute (NOCHI) and d’livery NOLA.

Revolution Foods CEO Kristin Groos Richmond mentioned their pride in being able to work with local restaurants, small businesses and nonprofit organizations across New Orleans, as well as supporting families with healthy and freshly prepared meals. They will continue to develop new solutions and at the same time creating job opportunities for people in New Orleans.

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Curtis Macken
LSU grad about town